Int64。C# 中的方法与示例的比较

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/int 64-compare to-method-in-c-sharp-with-examples/

Int64。CompareTo 方法用于将当前实例与指定的对象或 Int64 进行比较,并返回它们相对值的符号。此方法的重载列表中有 2 种方法,如下所示:

  • 比较(Int64)方法 *CompareTo(Object) Method


    此方法用于将当前实例与指定的 64 位有符号整数进行比较,并返回它们的相对值的符号。


    cs public int CompareTo (long value);


    返回值:返回一个 32 位有符号数,表示当前实例和参数的相对值,如下所示:

    • 小于零:如果当前实例<值
    • 如果当前实例=值,则为零:
    • 大于零:如果当前实例>值


    例 1:

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Int64.CompareTo(Int64) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {

    // Declaring and initializing value1         long value1 = 10;

    // Declaring and initializing value2         long value2 = 20;

    // compare both Int64 value         // using CompareTo() method         int status = value1.CompareTo(value2);

    // checking the status         if (status > 0)             Console.WriteLine("{0} is greater than {1}",                                         value1, value2);         else if (status < 0)             Console.WriteLine("{0} is less than {1}",                                      value1, value2);         else             Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",                                     value1, value2);     } } ```


    ```cs 10 is less than 20


    例 2:

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Int64.CompareTo(Int64) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         // calling get() method         get(5, 7);         get(3025, 3025);         get(10, 20);         get(7, -12);     }

    // defining get() method     public static void get(long value1,                            long value2)     {

    // using CompareTo() method         int status = value1.CompareTo(value2);

    // checking the status         if (status > 0)             Console.WriteLine("{0} is greater than {1}",                                         value1, value2);         else if (status < 0)             Console.WriteLine("{0} is less than {1}",                                      value1, value2);         else             Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",                                     value1, value2);     } } ```


    ```cs 5 is less than 7 3025 is equal to 3025 10 is less than 20 7 is greater than -12





    cs public int CompareTo (object value);

    这里,它需要一个对象进行比较,或者为 null。

    返回值:返回一个 32 位有符号数,表示当前实例和参数的相对值,如下所示:

    • 小于零:如果当前实例<值
    • 零:如果当前实例=值
    • 大于零:如果当前实例>值值为空。

    异常:如果值不是 Int64,则抛出参数异常


    例 1:

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Int64.CompareTo(object) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         try {

    // Declaring and initializing value1             long value1 = 10;

    // Declaring and initializing value2             object value2 = (long)5689412587;

    // using CompareTo() method             int status = value1.CompareTo(value2);

    // checking the status             if (status > 0)                 Console.WriteLine("{0} is greater than {1}",                                             value1, value2);

    else if (status < 0)                 Console.WriteLine("{0} is less than {1}",                                          value1, value2);             else                 Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",                                         value1, value2);         }

    catch (ArgumentException e)          {             Console.WriteLine("value2 must be Int64");             Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");             Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);         }     } } ```


    ```cs 10 is less than 5689412587


    示例 2: 适用于参数异常

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Int64.CompareTo(object) Method using System; using System.Globalization;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         try {

    // Declaring and initializing value1             long value1 = 10;

    // Declaring and initializing value2             object value2 = 1/3;

    // using CompareTo() method             int status = value1.CompareTo(value2);

    // checking the status             if (status > 0)                 Console.WriteLine("{0} is greater than {1}",                                             value1, value2);

    else if (status < 0)                 Console.WriteLine("{0} is less than {1}",                                          value1, value2);             else                 Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",                                         value1, value2);         }

    catch (ArgumentException e)          {             Console.WriteLine("value2 must be Int64");             Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");             Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);         }     } } ```


    ```cs value2 must be Int64 Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentException

