文件。C# 中的 writellines(String,IEnumerable )方法,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/file-writellinestring-ienumerablesting-method-in-c-sharp-with-examples/

文件。writellines(String,IEnumerable < String > ) 是一个内置的 File 类方法,用于创建一个新文件,将一组字符串写入文件,然后关闭文件。


公共静态空写所有行(字符串路径,系统。集合. Generic.IEnumerable 内容);


  • Path: This is the specified file to be written into the string set.
  • Content: This is the specified line to be written into the file.


  • ArgumentException:路径是一个零长度字符串,只包含空格,或者一个或多个由 GetInvalidPathChars()方法定义的无效字符。
  • ArgumentNullException: 或者路径或者内容为空。
  • DirectoryNotFoundException:路径无效。
  • IOException: 打开文件时出现输入/输出错误。
  • 路径工具异常:路径超过了系统定义的最大长度。
  • notSupportDexception:路径的格式无效。
  • 安全性异常:调用方没有所需的权限。
  • 未授权访问异常:路径指定了一个只读文件。或者路径指定了一个隐藏的文件。或者当前平台不支持此操作。或者路径是一个目录。或者呼叫者没有所需的权限。


程序 1: 在运行下面的代码之前,创建一个文件 file.txt ,其内容将被过滤,如下所示-


在代码下面,它自己创建了一个新文件 gfg.txt ,其中包含过滤后的字符串。

// C# program to illustrate the usage
// of File.WriteAllLines(String, 
// IEnumerable<String>) method

// Using System, System.IO
// and System.Linq namespaces
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

class GFG {
    // Specifying a file from where
    // some contents are going to be filtered
    static string Path = @"file.txt";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Reading content of file.txt
        var da = from line in File.ReadLines(Path)

                 // Selecting lines started with "G"
                     select line;

        // Creating a new file gfg.txt with the
        // filtered contents
        File.WriteAllLines(@"gfg.txt", da);
        Console.WriteLine("Writing the filtered collection "+
                     "of strings to the file has been done.");


Writing the filtered collection of strings to the file has been done.

运行上述代码后,显示上述输出,并创建一个新文件 gfg.txt ,如下所示-


程序 2: 在运行下面的代码之前,创建了两个文件 file.txtgfg.txt ,内容如下-



下面的代码用文件文件. txt 的选定内容覆盖文件 gfg.txt

// C# program to illustrate the usage
// of File.WriteAllLines(String,
// IEnumerable<String>) method

// Using System, System.IO
// and System.Linq namespaces
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

class GFG {
    // Specifying a file from where
    // some contents are going to be filtered
    static string Path = @"file.txt";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Reading the contents of file.txt
        var da = from line in File.ReadLines(Path)

                 // Selecting lines started with "g"
                     select line;

        // Overwriting the file gfg.txt with the
        // selected string of the file file.txt
        File.WriteAllLines(@"gfg.txt", da);
        Console.WriteLine("Overwriting the selected collection"+
                      " of strings to the file has been done.");


Overwriting the selected collection of strings to the file has been done.

运行上述代码后,显示上述输出,文件 gfg.txt 内容如下所示:
