小数。C# 中的 Round()方法| Set–1

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/decimal-round-method-in-c-sharp-set-1/

小数。舍入方法用于将一个值舍入到最接近的整数或指定的小数位数。该方法的重载列表中有以下 4 种方法:

  • 四舍五入(十进制)法 舍入(十进制,整数 32)方法 舍入(十进制,中点舍入)方法* Round(Decimal, Int32, MidpointRounding) Method




    语法:公共静态小数 Round(小数 d); 在这里,需要一个十进制数来取整。

    返回值:该方法返回最接近 d 参数的整数。如果 d 在两个整数中间,其中一个是偶数,另一个是奇数,则返回偶数。



    例 1:

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Decimal.Round(Decimal) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         try {

    // Declaring and initializing value             decimal value = 184467440737095.51615M;

    // getting rounded decimal             // using Round() method             decimal round = Decimal.Round(value);

    // Display the value             Console.WriteLine("Rounded value is {0}", round);         }

    catch (OverflowException e)          {             Console.WriteLine("Value must not be out of bound");             Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");             Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);         }     } } ```


    cs Rounded value is 184467440737096

    例 2: 适用于飞越异常

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Decimal.Round(Decimal) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {

    try          {

    // Declaring and initializing value             decimal value = 79228162514264337593543950335.5M;

    // getting rounded decimal             // using Round() method             decimal round = Decimal.Round(value);

    // Display the value             Console.WriteLine("Rounded value is {0}", round);         }

    catch (OverflowException e)          {             Console.WriteLine("Value must not be out of bound");             Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");             Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);         }     } } ```


    prog.cs(15,51):错误 CS0594:浮点常数超出了“十进制”类型的范围

    舍入(十进制,整数 32)方法


    语法:公共静态十进制 Round(十进制 d,int 小数);

    参数: d: 是要四舍五入的小数。 小数:它是一个从 0 到 28 的值,指定要舍入到的小数位数。

    返回值:该方法返回相当于 d 的小数,四舍五入到小数位数。

    异常:如果小数不是 0 到 28 的值,这个方法抛出argumentout of range Exception

    下面的程序说明了小数的使用。舍入(十进制,整数 32) 方法:

    例 1:

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Decimal.Round(Decimal) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         try {

    // Declaring and initializing value             decimal value = 7922816251426433759354.39503305M;

    // getting rounded decimal             // using Round() method             decimal round = Decimal.Round(value, 4);

    // Display the value             Console.WriteLine("Rounded value is {0}", round);         }

    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)          {             Console.WriteLine("decimal place is not within bound");             Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");             Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);         }     } } ```


    cs Rounded value is 7922816251426433759354.3950

    例 2:argumentout of range exception

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // Decimal.Round(Decimal) Method using System;

    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main()     {         try          {

    // Declaring and initializing value             decimal value = 7922816251426433759354.39503305M;

    // getting rounded decimal             // using Round() method             decimal round = Decimal.Round(value, 29);

    // Display the value             Console.WriteLine("Rounded value is {0}", round);         }

    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)          {             Console.WriteLine("Decimal place is not within bound");             Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");             Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);         }     } } ```


    ```cs Decimal place is not within bound Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

