如何在社交媒体安卓 App 中实现搜索注册用户功能?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何实现-搜索注册用户-社交媒体中的功能-安卓-app/

这是 【在 Android Studio 上构建社交媒体 App】教程的 第 9 部分 ,我们将在本文中介绍以下功能:

  • We will search for users on the users page.
  • If there are few people registered in our application, it is easy to find a person.
  • But when our application registered 1000 users, then searching for a specific user became a very complicated and time-consuming task.
  • That's why we implement this function to search users with the provided name or email .


步骤 1: 使用主菜单. xml 文件

主菜单. xml 文件中添加搜索图标。

