fnmatch–Python 中的 Unix 文件名模式匹配

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/fnmatch-UNIX-filename-pattern-matching-python/

该模块用于匹配 Unix shell 风格的通配符。fnmatch()将单个文件名与模式进行比较,如果它们匹配,则返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE。 当操作系统使用区分大小写的文件系统时,比较区分大小写。 壳式通配符中使用的特殊字符及其功能有:

  • ' *–匹配所有内容
  • '?'–匹配任何单个字符
  • '[序列]'–匹配序列中的任何字符
  • '[!seq]'–匹配任何不在 seq 中的字符


fnmatch 模块提供的功能

  1. fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern): This function tests whether the given filename string matches the pattern string and returns a boolean value. If the operating system is case-insensitive, then both parameters will be normalized to all lower-case or upper-case before the comparison is performed.



    Python program to illustrate

    fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern)

    import fnmatch  import os 

    pattern = 'fnmatch_*.py' print ('Pattern :', pattern ) print()

    files = os.listdir('.')  for name in files:      print ('Filename: %-25s %s' % (name, fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern)) ```


    ```py $ python fnmatch_fnmatch.py

    Pattern : fnmatch_*.py

    Filename: init.py False Filename: fnmatch_filter.py True Filename: fnmatch_fnmatch.py True Filename: fnmatch_fnmatchcase.py True Filename: fnmatch_translate.py True Filename: index.rst False


  2. fnmatch.fnmatchcase(filename, pattern): This function performs the case sensitive comparison and tests whether the given filename string matches the pattern string and returns a boolean value.



    Python program to illustrate

    fnmatch.fnmatchcase(filename, pattern)

    import fnmatch  import os 

    pattern = 'FNMATCH_*.PY' print ('Pattern :', pattern)  print()

    files = os.listdir('.') 

    for name in files:      (print 'Filename: %-25s %s' % (name, fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pattern))) ```


    ```py $ python fnmatch_fnmatchcase.py

    Pattern : FNMATCH_*.PY

    Filename: init.py False Filename: fnmatch_filter.py False Filename: FNMATCH_FNMATCH.PY True Filename: fnmatch_fnmatchcase.py False Filename: fnmatch_translate.py False Filename: index.rst False


  3. fnmatch.filter(names, pattern): This function returns the subset of the list of names passed in the function that match the given pattern.



    Python program to illustrate

    fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)

    import fnmatch  import os 

    pattern = 'fnmatch_*.py' print ('Pattern :', pattern )

    files = os.listdir('.')  print ('Files :', files) 

    print ('Matches :', fnmatch.filter(files, pattern)) ```


    ```py $ python fnmatch_filter.py

    Pattern : fnmatch_*.py Files : ['init.py', 'fnmatch_filter.py', 'fnmatch_fnmatch.py', 'fnmatch_fnmatchcase.py', 'fnmatch_translate.py', 'index.rst'] Matches : ['fnmatch_filter.py', 'fnmatch_fnmatch.py', 'fnmatch_fnmatchcase.py', 'fnmatch_translate.py']


  4. fnmatch.translate(pattern): This function returns the shell-style pattern converted to a regular expression for using with re.match() (re.match() will only match at the beginning of the string and not at the beginning of each line).


    Python program to illustrate


    import fnmatch, re 

    regex = fnmatch.translate('*.txt')  reobj = re.compile(regex) 

    print(regex)  print(reobj.match('foobar.txt'))  ```


    ```py '(?s:.*\.txt)\Z' _sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 10), match='foobar.txt'


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