Java 中的 Matcher appendReplacement(StringBuffer,String)方法,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/matcher-appendreplacementstringbuffer-string-method-in-Java-with-examples/

匹配器类追加替换(StringBuffer,String) 方法表现为追加替换方法。此方法读取输入字符串,并用匹配器字符串中匹配的模式替换它。


public Matcher 
    appendReplacement(StringBuffer buffer, 
                      String stringToBeReplaced)


  • Buffer : StringBuffer for storing the target string.
  • [T0】 String tobe replaced 【T1]: the string to be replaced in the matcher.



  • [illegalstateexception] : If you have not tried to match, or if the previous matching operation failed.
  • [T0】 IllegalArgumentException 【T1]: If the replacement string refers to the named capture group that does not exist in the pattern.
  • Indexoutoofboundsexception : If the replacement string refers to the capture group that does not exist in the pattern.

下面的例子说明了 Matcher.appendReplacement()方法:

例 1:

// Java code to illustrate appendReplacement() method

import java.util.regex.*;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Get the regex to be checked
        String regex = "(Geeks)";

        // Create a pattern from regex
        Pattern pattern
            = Pattern.compile(regex);

        // Get the String to be matched
        String stringToBeMatched
            = "GeeksForGeeks Geeks for For Geeks Geek";

        // Create a matcher for the input String
        Matcher matcher
            = pattern.matcher(stringToBeMatched);

        System.out.println("Before Replacement: "
                           + stringToBeMatched);

        // Get the String to be replaced
        String stringToBeReplaced = "GEEKS";
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        // Replace every matched pattern
        // with the target String
        // using appendReplacement() method
        while (matcher.find()) {

        // Print the replaced matcher
        System.out.println("After Replacement: "
                           + buffer.toString());


Before Replacement: GeeksForGeeks Geeks for For Geeks Geek
After Replacement: GEEKSForGEEKS GEEKS for For GEEKS Geek

例 2:

// Java code to illustrate appendReplacement() method

import java.util.regex.*;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Get the regex to be checked
        String regex = "(FGF)";

        // Create a pattern from regex
        Pattern pattern
            = Pattern.compile(regex);

        // Get the String to be matched
        String stringToBeMatched
            = "FGF FGF FGF FGF";

        // Create a matcher for the input String
        Matcher matcher
            = pattern.matcher(stringToBeMatched);

        System.out.println("Before Replacement: "
                           + stringToBeMatched);

        // Get the String to be replaced
        String stringToBeReplaced = "GFG";
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        // Replace every matched pattern
        // with the target String
        // using appendReplacement() method
        while (matcher.find()) {

        // Print the replaced matcher
        System.out.println("After Replacement: "
                           + buffer.toString());


Before Replacement: FGF FGF FGF FGF
After Replacement: GFG GFG GFG GFG

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/9/docs/API/Java/util/regex/matcher . html # append replacement-Java . lang . stringbuffer-Java . lang . string-