最长前缀匹配——一个基于特里的 Java 解决方案

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/最长前缀匹配-基于 trie 的 java 解决方案/



Let the dictionary contains the following words:
{are, area, base, cat, cater, children, basement}

Below are some input/output examples:
Input String            Output
caterer                 cater
basemexy                base
child                   < Empty >

解决方案 我们构建一个所有词典单词的 Trie。一旦构建了 Trie,使用输入字符串的字符遍历它。如果前缀匹配词典单词,存储当前长度并寻找更长的匹配。最后,返回最长的匹配。 以下是上述基于解决方案的 Java 实现。

import java.util.HashMap;

// Trie Node, which stores a character and the children in a HashMap
class TrieNode {
    public TrieNode(char ch)  {
        value = ch;
        children = new HashMap<>();
        bIsEnd = false;
    public HashMap<Character,TrieNode> getChildren() {   return children;  }
    public char getValue()                           {   return value;     }
    public void setIsEnd(boolean val)                {   bIsEnd = val;     }
    public boolean isEnd()                           {   return bIsEnd;    }

    private char value;
    private HashMap<Character,TrieNode> children;
    private boolean bIsEnd;

// Implements the actual Trie
class Trie {
    // Constructor
    public Trie()   {     root = new TrieNode((char)0);       }    

    // Method to insert a new word to Trie
    public void insert(String word)  {

        // Find length of the given word
        int length = word.length();
        TrieNode crawl = root;

        // Traverse through all characters of given word
        for( int level = 0; level < length; level++)
            HashMap<Character,TrieNode> child = crawl.getChildren();
            char ch = word.charAt(level);

            // If there is already a child for current character of given word
            if( child.containsKey(ch))
                crawl = child.get(ch);
            else   // Else create a child
                TrieNode temp = new TrieNode(ch);
                child.put( ch, temp );
                crawl = temp;

        // Set bIsEnd true for last character

    // The main method that finds out the longest string 'input'
    public String getMatchingPrefix(String input)  {
        String result = ""; // Initialize resultant string
        int length = input.length();  // Find length of the input string       

        // Initialize reference to traverse through Trie
        TrieNode crawl = root;   

        // Iterate through all characters of input string 'str' and traverse
        // down the Trie
        int level, prevMatch = 0;
        for( level = 0 ; level < length; level++ )
            // Find current character of str
            char ch = input.charAt(level);    

            // HashMap of current Trie node to traverse down
            HashMap<Character,TrieNode> child = crawl.getChildren();                        

            // See if there is a Trie edge for the current character
            if( child.containsKey(ch) )
               result += ch;          //Update result
               crawl = child.get(ch); //Update crawl to move down in Trie

               // If this is end of a word, then update prevMatch
               if( crawl.isEnd() )
                    prevMatch = level + 1;
            else  break;

        // If the last processed character did not match end of a word,
        // return the previously matching prefix
        if( !crawl.isEnd() )
                return result.substring(0, prevMatch);        

        else return result;

    private TrieNode root;

// Testing class
public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
        Trie dict = new Trie();

        String input = "caterer";
        System.out.print(input + ":   ");

        input = "basement";
        System.out.print(input + ":   ");

        input = "are";
        System.out.print(input + ":   ");

        input = "arex";
        System.out.print(input + ":   ");

        input = "basemexz";
        System.out.print(input + ":   ");

        input = "xyz";
        System.out.print(input + ":   ");


caterer:   cater
basement:   basement
are:   are
arex:   are
basemexz:   base

时间复杂度:寻找最长前缀的时间复杂度是 O(n),其中 n 是输入字符串的长度。构建 Trie 的时间复杂度请参考这个

本文由 Ravi Chandra Enaganti 整理。如果您发现任何不正确的地方,或者您想分享更多关于上面讨论的主题的信息,请写评论