Node.js writeStream.isTTY 属性

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-write stream-istty-property/

writeStream.isTTY 属性是“TTY”模块中类 writeStream 的内置应用程序编程接口,用于检查写流对象是否是 tty 的实例。对于 tty、writeStream,它将始终返回 true。


const writeStream.isTTY

返回值:如果写流对象是 tty 的实例,则该属性返回 true。

示例 1: 文件名:index . js


// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// writeStream.isTTY property

// Importing dgram module
var dgram = require('dgram');

// Creating and initializing client
// and server socket
var client = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
var server = dgram.createSocket("udp4");

// Catching the message event
server.on("message", function (msg) {

    // Creating and initializing a
    // WriteStream object
    let WriteStream = process.stdout;

    // Checking if it is instance of TTY
    // or not by using isTTY() method
    const status = WriteStream.isTTY;

    // Displaying the result
    if (status)
            + "an instant of TTY" + "\n");
            + "not an instant of TTY" + "\n");

    // Exiting process

// Binding server with port
.bind(1234, () => {

// Client sending message to server
client.send("It is ", 0, 7, 1234, "localhost");