SASS |内省功能



下表包含了 SASS 中的所有自省功能:

| function | describe | example | | --- | --- | --- | | 变量-存在($name) | This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given variable exists globally or locally. | $ x:40px; 变量-exists($x) **输出:**真 变量-exists($y) **输出:**假 | | Global-variable -exists($name) | This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given variable exists globally. | $ x:40px; 全局变量-存在($ x); **输出:**真 | | mixin-exists($ name) | This method returns a Boolean value that represents whether the given mixin exists. | @ mixin text-color { color:blue;} **输出:**真 | | 检查(价值) | This method returns the value given by SASS. | 巡查(54) **输出:** 【54】 | | 类型(价值) | This method returns a string representing the SASS data type of the value. | 类型-of(5 6 4 7 8 9) **输出:**列表 | | 单位(数字) | This method returns the unit associated with a number, or an empty string if the number has no unit. | $ x:40px; Unit ($ x); **Output:** [PX T3】 【px】 $ x:40;; Unit ($ x); **Output:** | | No unit ($number) | These methods return a Boolean value indicating whether a given number has a unit associated with it. | $ x:40px; No unit ($ x); **Output:** False | | 可比($数字 1,$数字 2) | These methods return a Boolean value indicating whether a given number can be added, subtracted or compared. | Comparable (2em, 7em) **output:** true comparable (2em, 4px) **output:** false comparable (2em, 7) **output:** true |