


巴恩斯利使用的转换公式为: ,其中字母具有以下值:

b c d e f p 零件
Zero Zero Zero Zero point one six Zero Zero Zero point zero one 阻止
Zero point eight five Zero point zero four -0.04 Zero point eight five Zero One point six Zero point eight five 小传单
Zero point two -0.26 Zero point two three Zero point two two Zero One point six Zero point zero seven 大传单(左)
-0.15 Zero point two eight Zero point two six Zero point two four Zero Zero point four four Zero point zero seven 大传单(右)


于是这四个方程是:   f_1 :\     x_{n+1} = 0\     y_{n+1} = 0.16 y_n\ \ f_2 :\     x_{n+1} = 0.85 x_n + 0.04 y_n\     y_{n+1} = -0.04 x_n + 0.85 y_n + 1.6\ \ f_3 :\     x_{n+1} = 0.2 x_n - 0.26 y_n\     y_{n+1} = 0.23 x_n + 0.22 y_n + 1.6\ \ f_4 :\     x_{n+1} = -0.15 x_n + 0.28 y_n\     y_{n+1} = 0.26 x_n + 0.24 y_n + 0.44\ 借助于上面的方程,蕨类植物就产生了。现在让我们看看 Python3 的实现。

# importing necessary modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import randint

# initializing the list
x = []
y = []

# setting first element to 0

current = 0

for i in range(1, 50000):

    # generates a random integer between 1 and 100
    z = randint(1, 100)

    # the x and y coordinates of the equations
    # are appended in the lists respectively.

    # for the probability 0.01
    if z == 1:

    # for the probability 0.85    
    if z>= 2 and z<= 86:
        x.append(0.85*(x[current]) + 0.04*(y[current]))
        y.append(-0.04*(x[current]) + 0.85*(y[current])+1.6)

    # for the probability 0.07    
    if z>= 87 and z<= 93:
        x.append(0.2*(x[current]) - 0.26*(y[current]))
        y.append(0.23*(x[current]) + 0.22*(y[current])+1.6)

    # for the probability 0.07    
    if z>= 94 and z<= 100:
        x.append(-0.15*(x[current]) + 0.28*(y[current]))
        y.append(0.26*(x[current]) + 0.24*(y[current])+0.44)

    current = current + 1

plt.scatter(x, y, s = 0.2, edgecolor ='green')        

