
欢迎来到第九章。这是本书的最后一章,涵盖了增强现实(AR)的不同方面,从制作基本应用,使用标记,覆盖小部件,到制作导航应用。这最后一章讨论了一个现实世界的 AR 浏览器的示例应用。这款浏览器类似于非常流行的 Wikitude 和 Layar 应用,但没有那么广泛。Wikitude 和 Layar 是经过长时间开发的非常强大的工具,提供了许多许多功能。我们的 AR 浏览器将相对简陋,但仍然非常非常强大和有用:

  • 它将有一个现场摄像机预览
  • 位于附近的 Twitter 帖子和维基百科文章的主题将显示在这个预览上
  • 将有一个小雷达可见,允许用户看到是否有任何其他覆盖在他们的视野之外
  • 当用户移动和旋转时,覆盖将被移入和移出视图
  • 用户可以设置数据采集半径,范围从 0 米到 100,000 米(100 公里)

图 9-1 显示应用正在运行,两个数据源的标记都可见。


图 9-1。app 运行时的截图。

为了完成这一切,我们将编写自己的迷你 AR 引擎,并使用两个免费资源来获取维基百科和 Twitter 数据。与第八章相比,这段代码不是很长,但有些是新的,尤其是移动叠加部分。事不宜迟,让我们开始编码吧。


这个应用中的 xml 只包含 strings.xml 和菜单的 XML。我们将快速输入这些内容,然后转到 Java 代码。


清单 9-1。 strings.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <string name="app_name">Pro Android AR Chapter 9</string> </resources>



现在我们来看看 menu.xml。

清单 9-2。 menu.xml

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item android:id="@+id/showRadar" android:title="Hide Radar"> </item> <item android:id="@+id/showZoomBar" android:title="Hide Zoom Bar"> </item> <item android:id="@+id/exit" android:title="Exit"> </item> </menu>

第一项是显示和隐藏雷达的切换,雷达将用于显示用户视野之外的对象的图标。第二项是切换显示和隐藏 SeekBar 小部件,允许用户调整推文和维基百科信息的半径。

有了这些 XML,我们可以继续我们应用的 Java 代码了。

Java 代码

在这个应用中,我们将看看 Java 代码的格式,其中不同的类按功能分组。所以我们将依次查看所有的数据解析类,依此类推。



让我们从应用的基础部分开始。我们有一个SensorsActivity,扩展了标准的 android ActivitySensorsActivity没有用户界面。AugmentedActivity然后扩展这个SensorsActivity,这个【】又扩展了MainActivity,也就是最终显示给用户的Activity。所以我们先来看看SensorsActivity

清单 9-3。SensorsActivity.java全局变量

public class SensorsActivity extends Activity implements SensorEventListener, LocationListener { private static final String TAG = "SensorsActivity"; private static final AtomicBoolean computing = new AtomicBoolean(false); `private static final int MIN_TIME = 30*1000; private static final int MIN_DISTANCE = 10;

private static final float temp[] = new float[9]; private static final float rotation[] = new float[9]; private static final float grav[] = new float[3]; private static final float mag[] = new float[3];

private static final Matrix worldCoord = new Matrix(); private static final Matrix magneticCompensatedCoord = new Matrix(); private static final Matrix xAxisRotation = new Matrix(); private static final Matrix magneticNorthCompensation = new Matrix();

private static GeomagneticField gmf = null; private static float smooth[] = new float[3]; private static SensorManager sensorMgr = null; private static List sensors = null; private static Sensor sensorGrav = null; private static Sensor sensorMag = null; private static LocationManager locationMgr = null;`

第一个变量只是一个包含我们的类名的TAG常量。第二个是computing,类似于一个标志,用于检查任务当前是否正在进行。MIN_TIMEMIN_DISTANCE指定位置更新之间的最小时间和距离。在上面的四个浮点数中,第一个是旋转时使用的临时数组,第二个存储最终旋转的矩阵,grav存储重力数字,mag存储磁场数字。在其后的四个矩阵中,worldCoord存储设备在世界上的位置,magneticCompensatedCoordmagneticNorthCompensation用于补偿地理北极和磁北极之间的差异,而xAxisRotation用于存储沿 X 轴旋转 90 度后的矩阵。之后,gmf被用来存储GeomagneticField的一个实例。当对来自gravmag的值使用低通滤波器时,使用smooth阵列。sensorMgr是一个SensorManager对象;sensors是传感器列表。sensorGravsensorMag将在设备上存储默认的重力(加速度计)和磁性(指南针)传感器,以防设备有多个传感器。locationMgrLocationManager的一个实例。


清单 9-4。【SensorsActivity.java】T3onCreate()和 onStart()

`@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }

@Override public void onStart() { super.onStart();

double angleX = Math.toRadians(-90); double angleY = Math.toRadians(-90);

xAxisRotation.set( 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, (float) Math.cos(angleX), (float) -Math.sin(angleX), 0f, (float) Math.sin(angleX), (float) Math.cos(angleX));

try { sensorMgr = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);

sensors = sensorMgr.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

if (sensors.size() > 0) sensorGrav = sensors.get(0);

sensors = sensorMgr.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);

if (sensors.size() > 0) sensorMag = sensors.get(0);

sensorMgr.registerListener(this, sensorGrav, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL); sensorMgr.registerListener(this, sensorMag, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);

locationMgr = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); locationMgr.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, MIN_TIME, MIN_DISTANCE, this);

try {

try { Location gps=locationMgr.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);Location network=locationMgr.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); if(gps!=null) { onLocationChanged(gps); } else if (network!=null) { onLocationChanged(network); } else { onLocationChanged(ARData.hardFix); } } catch (Exception ex2) { onLocationChanged(ARData.hardFix); }

gmf = new GeomagneticField((float) ARData.getCurrentLocation().getLatitude(), (float) ARData.getCurrentLocation().getLongitude(), (float) ARData.getCurrentLocation().getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis()); angleY = Math.toRadians(-gmf.getDeclination());

synchronized (magneticNorthCompensation) {


magneticNorthCompensation.set( (float) Math.cos(angleY), 0f, (float) Math.sin(angleY), 0f, 1f, 0f, (float) -Math.sin(angleY), 0f, (float) Math.cos(angleY));

magneticNorthCompensation.prod(xAxisRotation); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception ex1) { try { if (sensorMgr != null) { sensorMgr.unregisterListener(this, sensorGrav);sensorMgr.unregisterListener(this, sensorMag); sensorMgr = null; } if (locationMgr != null) { locationMgr.removeUpdates(this); locationMgr = null; } } catch (Exception ex2) { ex2.printStackTrace(); } } }`

正如代码前面提到的,onCreate()方法只是一个默认的实现。另一方面,onStart()方法包含大量传感器和位置相关代码。我们从设置xAxisRotation矩阵的值开始。然后我们设置sensorMagsensorGrav的值,然后注册这两个传感器。然后我们给gmf赋值,并将angleY的值重新分配给负磁偏角,负磁偏角是真北(北极)和磁北(目前位于格陵兰海岸附近,以大约 40 英里/年的速度向西伯利亚移动)之差gmf的弧度。在重新分配之后,我们在同步块中有了一些代码。该代码用于首先设置magneticNorthCompensation的值,然后乘以xAxisRotation。在这之后,我们有一个catch块,接着是另一个catch块,其中有一个try块。这个try块的代码只是试图注销传感器和位置监听器。

这个文件中的下一个是我们的onStop()方法,它与本书前面使用的onResume()onStop()方法相同。我们只是用它来放开传感器和 GPS,以节省用户的电池寿命,并在不需要时停止收集数据。

清单 9-5。SensorsActivity.java

*`@Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop();

try { try { sensorMgr.unregisterListener(this, sensorGrav); sensorMgr.unregisterListener(this, sensorMag); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } sensorMgr = null;

try {locationMgr.removeUpdates(this); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } locationMgr = null; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }* *在onStop()方法之后,我们有了从三个传感器获取数据的方法。如果你看一下之前给出的类声明,你会注意到这次我们为整个类实现了SensorEventListenerLocationListener`,而不是像我们在之前的应用中那样为它们编写小代码块。我们这样做是为了让任何扩展这个类的类都可以容易地覆盖与传感器相关的方法。

清单 9-6。SensorsActivity.java 监听着传感器

`public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent evt) { if (!computing.compareAndSet(false, true)) return;

if (evt.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { smooth = LowPassFilter.filter(0.5f, 1.0f, evt.values, grav); grav[0] = smooth[0]; grav[1] = smooth[1]; grav[2] = smooth[2]; } else if (evt.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { smooth = LowPassFilter.filter(2.0f, 4.0f, evt.values, mag); mag[0] = smooth[0]; mag[1] = smooth[1]; mag[2] = smooth[2]; }

SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(temp, null, grav, mag);

SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(temp, SensorManager.AXIS_Y, SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_X, rotation);

worldCoord.set(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3], rotation[4], rotation[5], rotation[6], rotation[7], rotation[8]);


synchronized (magneticNorthCompensation) { magneticCompensatedCoord.prod(magneticNorthCompensation); }



computing.set(false); }

public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) { //Not Used }

public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) { //Not Used }

public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { //Not Used }

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { ARData.setCurrentLocation(location); gmf = new GeomagneticField((float) ARData.getCurrentLocation().getLatitude(), (float) ARData.getCurrentLocation().getLongitude(), (float) ARData.getCurrentLocation().getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis());

double angleY = Math.toRadians(-gmf.getDeclination());

synchronized (magneticNorthCompensation) { magneticNorthCompensation.toIdentity();

magneticNorthCompensation.set((float) Math.cos(angleY), 0f, (float) Math.sin(angleY), 0f, 1f, 0f, (float) -Math.sin(angleY), 0f, (float) Math.cos(angleY));

magneticNorthCompensation.prod(xAxisRotation); } }

public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) { if (sensor==null) throw new NullPointerException();if(sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD && accuracy==SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) { Log.e(TAG, "Compass data unreliable"); } } }`


现在让我们来看一下使用的三个。在onSensorChanged()中,我们首先从罗盘和加速度计中获取传感器值,并在存储之前通过低通滤波器。低通滤波器将在本章稍后编写代码时详细讨论和解释。存储这些值后,我们找出真实世界的坐标,并将它们存储在临时数组中。之后,我们立即重新映射坐标,以便在横向模式下使用 Android 设备,并将其存储在旋转数组中。然后,我们通过将数据转移到worldCoord矩阵中,将旋转数组转换为矩阵。然后我们将magneticCompensatedCoord乘以magneticNorthCompensation,再将magneticCompensatedCoord乘以worldCoord。然后magneticCompensatedCoord被反转,并设置为ARData的旋转矩阵。这个旋转矩阵将用于将我们的推文和维基百科文章的纬度和经度转换为 X 和 Y 坐标,以便显示。




在我们继续讨论AugmentedActivity之前,我们需要创建AugmentedView,这是我们在 Android 框架中找到的View类的自定义扩展。它被设计用来绘制雷达,控制数据半径的缩放栏和在我们的相机预览上显示数据的标记。让我们从类和全局变量声明开始。

清单 9-7。 声明增强视图及其变量

public class AugmentedView extends View { private static final AtomicBoolean drawing = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static final Radar radar = new Radar(); private static final float[] locationArray = new float[3]; private static final List<Marker> cache = new ArrayList<Marker>(); private static final TreeSet<Marker> updated = new TreeSet<Marker>(); private static final int COLLISION_ADJUSTMENT = 100;



清单 9-8。onDraw()方法和 AugmentedView 的构造函数

`public AugmentedView(Context context) { super(context); }

@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) return;

if (drawing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { List collection = ARData.getMarkers();

cache.clear(); for (Marker m : collection) { m.update(canvas, 0, 0); if (m.isOnRadar()) cache.add(m); } collection = cache;

if (AugmentedActivity.useCollisionDetection) adjustForCollisions(canvas,collection);

ListIterator iter = collection.listIterator(collection.size()); while (iter.hasPrevious()) { Marker marker = iter.previous(); marker.draw(canvas);} if (AugmentedActivity.showRadar) radar.draw(canvas); drawing.set(false); } }`



清单 9-9。 调整碰撞

`private static void adjustForCollisions(Canvas canvas, List collection) { updated.clear(); for (Marker marker1 : collection) { if (updated.contains(marker1) || !marker1.isInView()) continue;

int collisions = 1; for (Marker marker2 : collection) { if (marker1.equals(marker2) || updated.contains(marker2) || !marker2.isInView()) continue;

if (marker1.isMarkerOnMarker(marker2)) { marker2.getLocation().get(locationArray); float y = locationArray[1]; float h = collisions*COLLISION_ADJUSTMENT; locationArray[1] = y+h; marker2.getLocation().set(locationArray); marker2.update(canvas, 0, 0); collisions++; updated.add(marker2); } } updated.add(marker1); } } } //Closes class`




清单 9-10。 声明 AugmentedActivity 及其全局变量

`public class AugmentedActivity extends SensorsActivity implements OnTouchListener { private static final String TAG = "AugmentedActivity"; private static final DecimalFormat FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); private static final int ZOOMBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.argb(125,55,55,55); private static final String END_TEXT = FORMAT.format(AugmentedActivity.MAX_ZOOM)+" km"; private static final int END_TEXT_COLOR = Color.WHITE;

protected static WakeLock wakeLock = null; protected static CameraSurface camScreen = null; protected static VerticalSeekBar myZoomBar = null; protected static TextView endLabel = null; protected static LinearLayout zoomLayout = null; protected static AugmentedView augmentedView = null;

public static final float MAX_ZOOM = 100; //in KM public static final float ONE_PERCENT = MAX_ZOOM/100f; public static final float TEN_PERCENT = 10fONE_PERCENT; public static final float TWENTY_PERCENT = 2fTEN_PERCENT; public static final float EIGHTY_PERCENTY = 4f*TWENTY_PERCENT;

public static boolean useCollisionDetection = true; public static boolean showRadar = true; public static boolean showZoomBar = true;`

TAG在输出到 LogCat 时用作字符串常量。FORMAT用于在雷达上显示当前半径时格式化输出。ZOOMBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR是我们用来允许用户改变半径的滑块背景颜色的ARGB_8888定义。END_TEXT是我们需要在雷达上显示的格式化文本。END_TEXT_COLOREND_TEXT的颜色。wakeLockcamScreenmyZoomBarendLabelzoomLayoutaugmentedView是我们需要的类的对象。它们目前都被赋予了一个null值,将在本章稍后进行初始化。MAX_ZOOM是我们的半径极限,以公里为单位。接下来的四个浮动是这个最大半径限制的不同百分比。useCollisionDetection是一个标志,允许我们启用或禁用标记的碰撞检测。showRadar是一个标志切换雷达的可见性。showZoomBar执行相同的切换,除了对控制半径的 seekbar 执行此操作。


清单 9-11。 【增龄性 onCreate()

`@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

camScreen = new CameraSurface(this); setContentView(camScreen);

augmentedView = new AugmentedView(this); augmentedView.setOnTouchListener(this); LayoutParams augLayout = new LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); addContentView(augmentedView,augLayout);

zoomLayout = new LinearLayout(this);

zoomLayout.setVisibility((showZoomBar)?LinearLayout.VISIBLE:LinearLayout.GONE); zoomLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); zoomLayout.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); zoomLayout.setBackgroundColor(ZOOMBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR);

endLabel = new TextView(this); endLabel.setText(END_TEXT); endLabel.setTextColor(END_TEXT_COLOR); LinearLayout.LayoutParams zoomTextParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); zoomLayout.addView(endLabel, zoomTextParams);

myZoomBar = new VerticalSeekBar(this); myZoomBar.setMax(100); myZoomBar.setProgress(50); myZoomBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(myZoomBarOnSeekBarChangeListener); LinearLayout.LayoutParams zoomBarParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); zoomBarParams.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL; zoomLayout.addView(myZoomBar, zoomBarParams);

FrameLayout.LayoutParams frameLayoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, Gravity.RIGHT); addContentView(zoomLayout,frameLayoutParams);

updateDataOnZoom();PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); wakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, "DimScreen"); }`

我们首先将CameraSurface的一个实例分配给camScreen。我们将在本章稍后写CameraSurface,但基本上它是关于相机表面视图的设置,就像我们在前面的章节中多次做的那样。然后,我们将基本内容视图设置为这个CameraSurface。之后,我们创建一个AugmentedView的实例,将其布局参数设置为WRAP_CONTENT,并将其添加到屏幕上。然后我们将 SeekBar 和END_TEXT的基本布局添加到屏幕上。然后,我们将 SeekBar 添加到屏幕上,并调用一个方法来更新数据。最后,我们使用PowerManager来获取一个WakeLock来保持屏幕打开,但是如果不使用的话就把它调暗。


清单 9-12。 onPause()和 onResume()

`@Override public void onResume() { super.onResume();

wakeLock.acquire(); }

@Override public void onPause() { super.onPause();

wakeLock.release(); }`


清单 9-13。 onSensorChanged()

`@Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent evt) { super.onSensorChanged(evt);

if (evt.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER || evt.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { augmentedView.postInvalidate(); } }`


然后我们有了处理 SeekBar 变化的方法:

清单 9-14。 处理 SeekBar

`private OnSeekBarChangeListener myZoomBarOnSeekBarChangeListener = new OnSeekBarChangeListener() { public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) { updateDataOnZoom(); camScreen.invalidate(); }

public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) { //Not used }

public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) { updateDataOnZoom(); camScreen.invalidate(); } };`

在 SeekBar 被更改(onProgressChanged())时调用的方法中,在它停止被更改(onStopTrackingTouch())后,我们通过调用updateDataOnZoom()来更新我们的数据,然后使相机预览无效。


清单 9-15。 计算缩放级别

`private static float calcZoomLevel(){ int myZoomLevel = myZoomBar.getProgress(); float out = 0;

float percent = 0; if (myZoomLevel <= 25) { percent = myZoomLevel/25f; out = ONE_PERCENTpercent; } else if (myZoomLevel > 25 && myZoomLevel <= 50) { percent = (myZoomLevel-25f)/25f; out = ONE_PERCENT+(TEN_PERCENTpercent);} else if (myZoomLevel > 50 && myZoomLevel <= 75) { percent = (myZoomLevel-50f)/25f; out = TEN_PERCENT+(TWENTY_PERCENTpercent); } else { percent = (myZoomLevel-75f)/25f; out = TWENTY_PERCENT+(EIGHTY_PERCENTYpercent); } return out; }`

我们首先将搜索栏上的进度作为缩放级别。然后,我们创建 float out来存储最终结果,创建 float percent来存储百分比。然后,我们有一些简单的数学来确定使用的半径。我们使用这些类型的计算,因为它允许用户设置半径,甚至以米为单位。你越往上走,半径设置就越不精确。最后,我们返回out作为当前缩放级别。


清单 9-16。 更新数据和处理触摸

`protected void updateDataOnZoom() { float zoomLevel = calcZoomLevel(); ARData.setRadius(zoomLevel); ARData.setZoomLevel(FORMAT.format(zoomLevel)); ARData.setZoomProgress(myZoomBar.getProgress()); }

public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent me) { for (Marker marker : ARData.getMarkers()) { if (marker.handleClick(me.getX(), me.getY())) { if (me.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) markerTouched(marker); return true; } } return super.onTouchEvent(me); };

protected void markerTouched(Marker marker) { Log.w(TAG, "markerTouched() not implemented."); } }`

updateDataOnZoom()中,我们获得缩放级别,将半径设置为新的缩放级别,并更新缩放级别和搜索栏进度的文本,所有这些都在ARData中完成。在onTouch()中,我们检查一个标记是否被触摸,并从那里调用markerTouched()。在那之后,markerTouched()向 LogCat 发出一条消息,说我们目前在markerTouched()中什么都不做。




清单 9-17。 声明类和全局变量

public class MainActivity extends AugmentedActivity { private static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; private static final String locale = "en"; private static final BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(1); private static final ThreadPoolExecutor exeService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue); private static final Map<String,NetworkDataSource> sources = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,NetworkDataSource>();

与我们之前编写的课程的目的相同。locale字符串将两个字母代码中的区域设置存储为英语。您也可以使用Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()来获取区域设置,但最好将其保留为“en”,因为我们使用它来获取附近的 Twitter 和 Wikipedia 数据,并且我们的数据源可能不支持所有语言。为了简化我们的线程,我们使用了作为BlockingQueue实例的queue变量。exeService是一个ThreadPoolExecutor,它的工作队列是queue。最后,我们有一个叫做sourcesMap,它将存储数据源。


清单 9-18。 onCreate()和 onStart()

`@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); LocalDataSource localData = new LocalDataSource(this.getResources()); ARData.addMarkers(localData.getMarkers());

NetworkDataSource twitter = new TwitterDataSource(this.getResources()); sources.put("twitter", twitter); NetworkDataSource wikipedia = new WikipediaDataSource(this.getResources()); sources.put("wiki", wikipedia); }

@Override public void onStart() { super.onStart();Location last = ARData.getCurrentLocation(); updateData(last.getLatitude(), last.getLongitude(), last.getAltitude()); }`

onCreate()中,我们首先创建一个LocalDataSource类的实例,并将其标记添加到ARData。然后我们为 Twitter 和 Wikipedia 创建一个NetworkDataSource,并将它们添加到 sources 地图中。在onStart()中,我们获得最后的位置数据,并用它更新我们的数据。


清单 9-19。 使用菜单

`@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(R.menu.menu, menu); return true; }

@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { Log.v(TAG, "onOptionsItemSelected() item="+item); switch (item.getItemId()) { case R.id.showRadar: showRadar = !showRadar; item.setTitle(((showRadar)? "Hide" : "Show")+" Radar"); break; case R.id.showZoomBar: showZoomBar = !showZoomBar; item.setTitle(((showZoomBar)? "Hide" : "Show")+" Zoom Bar");

zoomLayout.setVisibility((showZoomBar)?LinearLayout.VISIBLE:LinearLayout.GONE); break; case R.id.exit: finish(); break; } return true; }`

这是标准的 Android 代码,我们以前已经使用过无数次了。我们简单地从 XML 菜单资源创建菜单,然后监听菜单上的点击。对于显示雷达/缩放栏选项,我们只需切换它们的显示,对于退出选项,我们退出。


清单 9-20。 位置改变和触摸输入

`@Override public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { super.onLocationChanged(location);

updateData(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), location.getAltitude()); }

@Override protected void markerTouched(Marker marker) { Toast t = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), marker.getName(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); t.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); t.show(); }`



清单 9-21。 updateDataOnZoom()

@Override protected void updateDataOnZoom() { super.updateDataOnZoom(); Location last = ARData.getCurrentLocation(); updateData(last.getLatitude(),last.getLongitude(),last.getAltitude()); }



清单 9-22。 updateData()

`private void updateData(final double lat, final double lon, final double alt) { try { exeService.execute( new Runnable() {

public void run() { for (NetworkDataSource source : sources.values()) download(source, lat, lon, alt); } }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException rej) { Log.w(TAG, "Not running new download Runnable, queue is full."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception running download Runnable.",e); } }`

在这个方法中,我们试图使用一个Runnable来下载我们需要的数据,以显示 Twitter 帖子和 Wikipedia 文章。如果遇到一个RejectedExecutionException,就会向 LogCat 发送一条消息,告诉它队列已满,现在无法下载数据。如果遇到任何其他异常,Logcat 中会显示另一条消息。


清单 9-23。 下载()

`private static boolean download(NetworkDataSource source, double lat, double lon, double alt) { if (source==null) return false;

String url = null; try { url = source.createRequestURL(lat, lon, alt, ARData.getRadius(), locale); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return false; }

List markers = null; try { markers = source.parse(url); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return false; }

ARData.addMarkers(markers); return true; } }`

download方法中,我们首先检查源是否是null。如果是,我们返回false。如果不是null,我们构造一个 URL 来获取数据。之后,我们解析来自 URL 的结果,并将获得的数据存储在列表标记中。该数据然后通过ARData.addMarkers添加到ARData

这使我们结束了所有的活动。我们现在将编写代码来获取 Twitter 帖子和 Wikipedia 文章的数据。






清单 9-24。 数据源

public abstract class DataSource { public abstract List<Marker> getMarkers(); }





清单 9-25。 本地数据源

`public class LocalDataSource extends DataSource{ private List cachedMarkers = new ArrayList(); private static Bitmap icon = null;

public LocalDataSource(Resources res) { if (res==null) throw new NullPointerException();

createIcon(res); }

protected void createIcon(Resources res) { if (res==null) throw new NullPointerException();

icon=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.ic_launcher); }public List getMarkers() { Marker atl = new IconMarker("ATL", 39.931269, -75.051261, 0, Color.DKGRAY, icon); cachedMarkers.add(atl);

Marker home = new Marker("Mt Laurel", 39.95, -74.9, 0, Color.YELLOW); cachedMarkers.add(home);

return cachedMarkers; } }`




NetworkDataSource包含从我们的 Twitter 和 Wikipedia 来源获取数据的基本设置。


清单 9-26。 网络数据源

`public abstract class NetworkDataSource extends DataSource { protected static final int MAX = 1000; protected static final int READ_TIMEOUT = 10000; protected static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10000;

protected List markersCache = null;

public abstract String createRequestURL(double lat, double lon, double alt, float radius, String locale);

public abstract List parse(JSONObject root);`



清单 9-27。T3】get markers()和 getHttpGETInputStream()

`public List getMarkers() { return markersCache; }

protected static InputStream getHttpGETInputStream(String urlStr) { if (urlStr == null) throw new NullPointerException();

InputStream is = null; URLConnection conn = null;

try { if (urlStr.startsWith("file://")) return new FileInputStream(urlStr.replace("file://", ""));

URL url = new URL(urlStr); conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setReadTimeout(READ_TIMEOUT); conn.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);

is = conn.getInputStream();

return is; } catch (Exception ex) { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } try { if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) ((HttpURLConnection) conn).disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }`

getMarkers()方法只是返回markersCachegetHttpGETInputStream()用于获取指定 URL 的InputStream,并作为String传递给它。


清单 9-28。T3】getHttpInputString()和 parse()

`protected String getHttpInputString(InputStream is) { if (is == null) throw new NullPointerException();

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), 8 * 1024); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

try { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return sb.toString(); }

public List parse(String url) { if (url == null) throw new NullPointerException();

InputStream stream = null; stream = getHttpGETInputStream(url); if (stream == null) throw new NullPointerException();

String string = null; string = getHttpInputString(stream); if (string == null) throw new NullPointerException();

JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(string); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (json == null) throw new NullPointerException();return parse(json); } }`

getHttpInputString()中,我们获取InputStream的内容,并把它们放在一个String中。在parse()中,我们从数据源获取 JSON 对象,然后在其上调用另一个parse()方法。在这个类中,第二个parse()方法是一个存根,但是它在其他类中被覆盖和实现。

让我们写出扩展了NetworkDataSource : TwitterDataSourceWikipediaDataSource的两个类。


TwitterDataSource延伸NetworkDataSource。它负责从 Twitter 的服务器上获取附近推文的数据。TwitterDataSource只有两个全局变量。

清单 9-29。 声明 TwitterDataSource 及其全局变量

public class TwitterDataSource extends NetworkDataSource { private static final String URL = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json"; private static Bitmap icon = null;

字符串URL存储 Twitter 搜索 URL 的基础。我们将在createRequestURL()中动态构造参数。这个icon位图,现在是null,将在其中存储 Twitter 的标志。在显示推文时,我们会将这个标志显示为每个标记的图标。


清单 9-30。 构造函数,createIcon(),和 createRequestURL()

`public TwitterDataSource(Resources res) { if (res==null) throw new NullPointerException();

createIcon(res); }

protected void createIcon(Resources res) { if (res==null) throw new NullPointerException();

icon=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.twitter); }

@Overridepublic String createRequestURL(double lat, double lon, double alt, float radius, String locale) { return URL+"?geocode=" + lat + "%2C" + lon + "%2C" + Math.max(radius, 1.0) + "km"; }`

在构造函数中,我们将一个Resource对象作为参数,然后将其传递给createIcon()。这和《T2》中的行为完全一样。在createIcon()中,我们再次做了和在NetworkDataSource中一样的事情,除了我们使用了不同的图标。这里我们将 Twitter drawable 分配给了icon位图,而不是ic_launcher位图。在createRequestURL()中,我们为 Twitter JSON 搜索应用编程接口(API)制定了一个完整的请求 URL。Twitter 搜索 API 允许我们轻松匿名地搜索推文。我们在 geocode 参数中提供用户的位置,并从用户设置的范围中选择一个更大的半径限制,即一公里。


清单 9-31。 两个 parse()方法和 processJSONObject()方法

`@Override public List parse(String url) { if (url==null) throw new NullPointerException();

InputStream stream = null; stream = getHttpGETInputStream(url); if (stream==null) throw new NullPointerException();

String string = null; string = getHttpInputString(stream); if (string==null) throw new NullPointerException();

JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(string); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (json==null) throw new NullPointerException();

return parse(json); }

@Override public List parse(JSONObject root) { if (root==null) throw new NullPointerException();

JSONObject jo = null;JSONArray dataArray = null; List markers=new ArrayList();

try { if(root.has("results")) dataArray = root.getJSONArray("results"); if (dataArray == null) return markers; int top = Math.min(MAX, dataArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) {

jo = dataArray.getJSONObject(i); Marker ma = processJSONObject(jo); if(ma!=null) markers.add(ma); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return markers; }

private Marker processJSONObject(JSONObject jo) { if (jo==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (!jo.has("geo")) throw new NullPointerException();

Marker ma = null; try { Double lat=null, lon=null;

if(!jo.isNull("geo")) { JSONObject geo = jo.getJSONObject("geo"); JSONArray coordinates = geo.getJSONArray("coordinates");


lon=Double.parseDouble(coordinates.getString(1)); } else if(jo.has("location")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\D*([0- 9.]+),\s?([0-9.]+)"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(jo.getString("location"));

if(matcher.find()){ lat=Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(1));

lon=Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(2)); } }if(lat!=null) { String user=jo.getString("from_user");

ma = new IconMarker( user+": "+jo.getString("text"), lat, lon, 0, Color.RED, icon); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ma; } }`

第一个parse()方法采用字符串参数形式的 URL。然后 URL 通过getHttpGETInputStream()方法,产生的输入流被传递给getHttpInputString()方法。最后,从结果字符串中创建一个新的JSONObject,并将其传递给第二个parse()方法。


最后,我们来过一遍processJSONObject()。我们再次通过检查传递的JSONObject是否是null来开始该方法。之后,我们检查对象中的数据是否包含geo数据。如果没有,我们就不使用它,因为geo数据对于将它显示在屏幕和雷达上很重要。然后,我们通过JSONObject获取 tweet、用户和内容的坐标。所有这些数据被编译成一个标记,然后返回给第二个parse()方法。第二个parse方法将其添加到它的markers列表中。一旦创建了所有这样的标记,整个列表被返回给第一个parse()方法,该方法进一步将它返回给它在MainActivity中的调用者。




清单 9-32。 维基百科数据源

`public class WikipediaDataSource extends NetworkDataSource { private static final String BASE_URL = "http://ws.geonames.org/findNearbyWikipediaJSON";

private static Bitmap icon = null;

public WikipediaDataSource(Resources res) { if (res==null) throw new NullPointerException();

createIcon(res); }

protected void createIcon(Resources res) { if (res==null) throw new NullPointerException();

icon=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.wikipedia); }

@Override public String createRequestURL(double lat, double lon, double alt, float radius, String locale) { return BASE_URL+ "?lat=" + lat + "&lng=" + lon + "&radius="+ radius + "&maxRows=40" + "&lang=" + locale;


@Override public List parse(JSONObject root) { if (root==null) return null;

JSONObject jo = null; JSONArray dataArray = null; List markers=new ArrayList();

try { if(root.has("geonames")) dataArray = root.getJSONArray("geonames"); if (dataArray == null) return markers;int top = Math.min(MAX, dataArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) {

jo = dataArray.getJSONObject(i); Marker ma = processJSONObject(jo); if(ma!=null) markers.add(ma); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return markers; }

private Marker processJSONObject(JSONObject jo) { if (jo==null) return null;

Marker ma = null; if ( jo.has("title") && jo.has("lat") && jo.has("lng") && jo.has("elevation") ) { try { ma = new IconMarker( jo.getString("title"), jo.getDouble("lat"), jo.getDouble("lng"), jo.getDouble("elevation"), Color.WHITE, icon); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return ma; } }`

与 Twitter 不同,维基百科不提供官方搜索工具。然而,geonames.org 为维基百科提供了基于 JSON 的搜索,我们将会使用它。与TwitterDataSource的下一个区别是图标。我们只是在创建图标时使用了不同的drawable。获取和解析JSONObject的基本代码是相同的;只是价值观不同。






清单 9-33。PhysicalLocationUtility.javaT2

`public class PhysicalLocationUtility { private double latitude = 0.0; private double longitude = 0.0; private double altitude = 0.0;

private static float[] x = new float[1]; private static double y = 0.0d; private static float[] z = new float[1];

public PhysicalLocationUtility() { }

public PhysicalLocationUtility(PhysicalLocationUtility pl) { if (pl==null) throw new NullPointerException();

set(pl.latitude, pl.longitude, pl.altitude); }

public void set(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude) { this.latitude = latitude; this.longitude = longitude; this.altitude = altitude; }

public void setLatitude(double latitude) { this.latitude = latitude; }

public double getLatitude() { return latitude; }

public void setLongitude(double longitude) { this.longitude = longitude; }public double getLongitude() { return longitude; }

public void setAltitude(double altitude) { this.altitude = altitude; }

public double getAltitude() { return altitude; }

public static synchronized void convLocationToVector(Location org, PhysicalLocationUtility gp, Vector v) { if (org==null || gp==null || v==null) throw new NullPointerException("Location, PhysicalLocationUtility, and Vector cannot be NULL.");

Location.distanceBetween( org.getLatitude(), org.getLongitude(),

gp.getLatitude(), org.getLongitude(), z);

Location.distanceBetween( org.getLatitude(), org.getLongitude(),

org.getLatitude(), gp.getLongitude(), x); y = gp.getAltitude() - org.getAltitude(); if (org.getLatitude() < gp.getLatitude()) z[0] = -1; if (org.getLongitude() > gp.getLongitude()) x[0] = -1;

v.set(x[0], (float) y, z[0]); }

@Override public String toString() { return "(lat=" + latitude + ", lng=" + longitude + ", alt=" + altitude + ")"; } }`

顾名思义,前三个 doubles 分别用于存储latitudelongitudealtitudexyz存储最终的三维位置数据。setLatitude()setLongitude()setAltitude()方法分别设置纬度、经度和高度。它们的get()对应物只是返回当前值。convLocationToVector()方法将位置转换为Vector。我们将在本章的后面写一个Vector类。toString()方法只是将纬度、经度和海拔高度编译成一个字符串,并将其返回给调用方法。




清单 9-34。ScreenPositionUtility.javaT2

`public class ScreenPositionUtility { private float x = 0f; private float y = 0f;

public ScreenPositionUtility() { set(0, 0); }

public void set(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }

public float getX() { return x; }

public void setX(float x) { this.x = x; }

public float getY() { return y; }

public void setY(float y) { this.y = y; }

public void rotate(double t) { float xp = (float) Math.cos(t) * x - (float) Math.sin(t) * y; float yp = (float) Math.sin(t) * x + (float) Math.cos(t) * y;

x = xp;y = yp; }

public void add(float x, float y) { this.x += x; this.y += y; }

@Override public String toString() { return "x="+x+" y="+y; } }`


现在我们来看看 UI 代码。




清单 9-35。PaintableObject.javaT2

`public abstract class PaintableObject { private Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

public PaintableObject() { if (paint==null) { paint = new Paint(); paint.setTextSize(16); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); } }public abstract float getWidth();

public abstract float getHeight();

public abstract void paint(Canvas canvas);

public void setFill(boolean fill) { if (fill) paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); else paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); }

public void setColor(int c) { paint.setColor(c); }

public void setStrokeWidth(float w) { paint.setStrokeWidth(w); }

public float getTextWidth(String txt) { if (txt==null) throw new NullPointerException(); return paint.measureText(txt); }

public float getTextAsc() { return -paint.ascent(); }

public float getTextDesc() { return paint.descent(); }

public void setFontSize(float size) { paint.setTextSize(size); }

public void paintLine(Canvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, paint); }

public void paintRect(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();canvas.drawRect(x, y, x + width, y + height, paint); }

public void paintRoundedRect(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

RectF rect = new RectF(x, y, x + width, y + height); canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 15F, 15F, paint); }

public void paintBitmap(Canvas canvas, Bitmap bitmap, Rect src, Rect dst) { if (canvas==null || bitmap==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dst, paint); }

public void paintBitmap(Canvas canvas, Bitmap bitmap, float left, float top) { if (canvas==null || bitmap==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, left, top, paint); }

public void paintCircle(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, float radius) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, paint); }

public void paintText(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, String text) { if (canvas==null || text==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.drawText(text, x, y, paint); }

public void paintObj( Canvas canvas, PaintableObject obj, float x, float y, float rotation, float scale) { if (canvas==null || obj==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.save(); canvas.translate(x+obj.getWidth()/2, y+obj.getHeight()/2); canvas.rotate(rotation); canvas.scale(scale,scale); canvas.translate(-(obj.getWidth()/2), -(obj.getHeight()/2)); obj.paint(canvas); canvas.restore(); }public void paintPath( Canvas canvas, Path path, float x, float y, float width, float height, float rotation, float scale) { if (canvas==null || path==null) throw new NullPointerException();

canvas.save(); canvas.translate(x + width / 2, y + height / 2); canvas.rotate(rotation); canvas.scale(scale, scale); canvas.translate(-(width / 2), -(height / 2)); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); canvas.restore(); } }`

整个类只有一个全局变量:一个启用了抗锯齿的paint对象。消除锯齿会平滑正在绘制的对象的线条。构造函数通过将文本大小设置为 16、启用抗锯齿、将绘画颜色设置为蓝色、将绘画风格设置为Paint.Style.STROKE来初始化paint对象。


setFill()方法允许我们改变画风为Paint.Style.FILLPaint.Style.STROKEsetColor()方法将颜料的颜色设置为与它作为参数的整数相对应的颜色。setStrokeWidth()允许我们设置笔画的宽度。getTextWidth()返回作为参数的文本宽度。getTextAsc()getTextDesc()分别返回文本的上升和下降。setFontSize()允许我们设置绘画的字体大小。名称前带有 paint 前缀的所有其余方法绘制在所提供的canvas上的 paint 之后写入的对象。例如,paintLine()用提供的坐标在提供的canvas上画一条线。




清单 9-36。PaintableBox.javaT3

`public class PaintableBox extends PaintableObject { private float width=0, height=0; private int borderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255); private int backgroundColor = Color.argb(128, 0, 0, 0);

public PaintableBox(float width, float height) { this(width, height, Color.rgb(255, 255, 255), Color.argb(128, 0, 0, 0)); }

public PaintableBox(float width, float height, int borderColor, int bgColor) { set(width, height, borderColor, bgColor); }

public void set(float width, float height) { set(width, height, borderColor, backgroundColor); }

public void set(float width, float height, int borderColor, int bgColor) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.borderColor = borderColor; this.backgroundColor = bgColor; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

setFill(true); setColor(backgroundColor); paintRect(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);

setFill(false); setColor(borderColor); paintRect(canvas, 0, 0, width, height); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return width; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return height;} }`





清单 9-37。PaintableBox.javaT2

`public class PaintableBoxedText extends PaintableObject { private float width=0, height=0; private float areaWidth=0, areaHeight=0; private ArrayList lineList = null; private String[] lines = null; private float[] lineWidths = null; private float lineHeight = 0; private float maxLineWidth = 0; private float pad = 0;

private String txt = null; private float fontSize = 12; private int borderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255); private int backgroundColor = Color.argb(160, 0, 0, 0); private int textColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255);

public PaintableBoxedText(String txtInit, float fontSizeInit, float maxWidth) { this(txtInit, fontSizeInit, maxWidth, Color.rgb(255, 255, 255), Color.argb(128, 0, 0, 0), Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)); }

public PaintableBoxedText(String txtInit, float fontSizeInit, float maxWidth, int borderColor, int bgColor, int textColor) { set(txtInit, fontSizeInit, maxWidth, borderColor, bgColor, textColor); }public void set(String txtInit, float fontSizeInit, float maxWidth, int borderColor, int bgColor, int textColor) { if (txtInit==null) throw new NullPointerException();

this.borderColor = borderColor; this.backgroundColor = bgColor; this.textColor = textColor; this.pad = getTextAsc();

set(txtInit, fontSizeInit, maxWidth); }

public void set(String txtInit, float fontSizeInit, float maxWidth) { if (txtInit==null) throw new NullPointerException();

try { prepTxt(txtInit, fontSizeInit, maxWidth); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); prepTxt("TEXT PARSE ERROR", 12, 200); } }

private void prepTxt(String txtInit, float fontSizeInit, float maxWidth) { if (txtInit==null) throw new NullPointerException();


txt = txtInit; fontSize = fontSizeInit; areaWidth = maxWidth - pad; lineHeight = getTextAsc() + getTextDesc();

if (lineList==null) lineList = new ArrayList(); else lineList.clear();

BreakIterator boundary = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(); boundary.setText(txt);

int start = boundary.first(); int end = boundary.next(); int prevEnd = start; while (end != BreakIterator.DONE) { String line = txt.substring(start, end); String prevLine = txt.substring(start, prevEnd); float lineWidth = getTextWidth(line);

if (lineWidth > areaWidth) { if(prevLine.length()>0) lineList.add(prevLine);start = prevEnd; }

prevEnd = end; end = boundary.next(); } String line = txt.substring(start, prevEnd); lineList.add(line);

if (lines==null || lines.length!=lineList.size()) lines = new String[lineList.size()]; if (lineWidths==null || lineWidths.length!=lineList.size()) lineWidths = new float[lineList.size()]; lineList.toArray(lines);

maxLineWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lineWidths[i] = getTextWidth(lines[i]); if (maxLineWidth < lineWidths[i]) maxLineWidth = lineWidths[i]; } areaWidth = maxLineWidth; areaHeight = lineHeight * lines.length;

width = areaWidth + pad * 2; height = areaHeight + pad * 2; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();


setFill(true); setColor(backgroundColor); paintRoundedRect(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);

setFill(false); setColor(borderColor); paintRoundedRect(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);

for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i]; setFill(true); setStrokeWidth(0); setColor(textColor); paintText(canvas, pad, pad + lineHeight * i + getTextAsc(), line);} }

@Override public float getWidth() { return width; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return height; } }`





清单 9-38。PaintableCircle.javaT2

`public class PaintableCircle extends PaintableObject { private int color = 0; private float radius = 0; private boolean fill = false;

public PaintableCircle(int color, float radius, boolean fill) { set(color, radius, fill); }

public void set(int color, float radius, boolean fill) { this.color = color; this.radius = radius; this.fill = fill; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();setFill(fill); setColor(color); paintCircle(canvas, 0, 0, radius); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return radius*2; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return radius*2; } }`



可绘图 Gps


清单 9-39。PaintableGps.javaT2

`public class PaintableGps extends PaintableObject { private float radius = 0; private float strokeWidth = 0; private boolean fill = false; private int color = 0;

public PaintableGps(float radius, float strokeWidth, boolean fill, int color) { set(radius, strokeWidth, fill, color); }

public void set(float radius, float strokeWidth, boolean fill, int color) { this.radius = radius; this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; this.fill = fill; this.color = color;}

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); setFill(fill); setColor(color); paintCircle(canvas, 0, 0, radius); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return radius*2; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return radius*2; } }`




我们使用PaintableIcon来绘制 Twitter 和维基百科的图标。

清单 9-40。PaintableIcon.javaT2

`public Class PaintableIcon Extends PaintableObject { private Bitmap bitmap=null;

public PaintableIcon(Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height) { set(bitmap,width,height); }

public void set(Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height) { if (bitmap==null) throw new NullPointerException();

this.bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, width, height, true);}

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null || bitmap==null) throw new NullPointerException();

paintBitmap(canvas, bitmap, -(bitmap.getWidth()/2), - (bitmap.getHeight()/2)); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return bitmap.getWidth(); }

@Override public float getHeight() { return bitmap.getHeight(); } }`





清单 9-41。PaintableLine.javaT2

`public class PaintableLine extends PaintableObject { private int color = 0; private float x = 0; private float y = 0;

public PaintableLine(int color, float x, float y) { set(color, x, y); }

public void set(int color, float x, float y) { this.color = color;this.x = x; this.y = y; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

setFill(false); setColor(color); paintLine(canvas, 0, 0, x, y); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return x; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return y; } }`

构造函数获取线条的颜色以及 X 和 Y 点,并将它们传递给set()进行设置。paint()方法分别使用PaintableObject. getWidth()getHeight()返回xyCanvas上绘制。




清单 9-42。 绘画点

`public class PaintablePoint extends PaintableObject { private static int width=2; private static int height=2; private int color = 0; private boolean fill = false;

public PaintablePoint(int color, boolean fill) { set(color, fill); }

public void set(int color, boolean fill) {this.color = color; this.fill = fill; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

setFill(fill); setColor(color); paintRect(canvas, -1, -1, width, height); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return width; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return height; } }`





清单 9-43。 可涂装位置

`public class PaintablePosition extends PaintableObject { private float width=0, height=0; private float objX=0, objY=0, objRotation=0, objScale=0; private PaintableObject obj = null;

public PaintablePosition(PaintableObject drawObj, float x, float y, float rotation, float scale) { set(drawObj, x, y, rotation, scale); }public void set(PaintableObject drawObj, float x, float y, float rotation, float scale) { if (drawObj==null) throw new NullPointerException();

this.obj = drawObj; this.objX = x; this.objY = y; this.objRotation = rotation; this.objScale = scale; this.width = obj.getWidth(); this.height = obj.getHeight(); }

public void move(float x, float y) { objX = x; objY = y; }

public float getObjectsX() { return objX; }

public float getObjectsY() { return objY; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null || obj==null) throw new NullPointerException();

paintObj(canvas, obj, objX, objY, objRotation, objScale); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return width; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return height; }

@Override public String toString() { return "objX="+objX+" objY="+objY+" width="+width+" height="+height; } }`

构造函数获取PaintableObject类的实例、位置的 X 和 Y 坐标、旋转角度和缩放量。然后,构造函数将所有这些数据传递给set()方法,由它来设置值。我们现在有三个新方法,比其他已经扩展了PaintableObject的类多了:move()getObjectsX()getObjectsY()getObjectsX()getObjectsY()分别返回传递给构造函数的 x 和 y 值。move()允许我们将对象移动到新的 X 和 Y 坐标。paint()方法再次在提供的canvas上绘制对象。getWidth()getHeight()返回对象的宽度和高度。toString()在单个字符串中返回对象的 X 坐标、Y 坐标、宽度和高度。




清单 9-44。 漆面雷达点

`public class PaintableRadarPoints extends PaintableObject { private final float[] locationArray = new float[3]; private PaintablePoint paintablePoint = null; private PaintablePosition pointContainer = null;

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

float range = ARData.getRadius() * 1000; float scale = range / Radar.RADIUS; for (Marker pm : ARData.getMarkers()) { pm.getLocation().get(locationArray); float x = locationArray[0] / scale; float y = locationArray[2] / scale; if ((xx+yy)<(Radar.RADIUS*Radar.RADIUS)) { if (paintablePoint==null) paintablePoint = new PaintablePoint(pm.getColor(),true); else paintablePoint.set(pm.getColor(),true);

if (pointContainer==null) pointContainer = new PaintablePosition( paintablePoint, (x+Radar.RADIUS-1), (y+Radar.RADIUS-1), 0,1); else pointContainer.set(paintablePoint, (x+Radar.RADIUS-1), (y+Radar.RADIUS-1), 0, 1);

pointContainer.paint(canvas); } } }

@Override public float getWidth() { return Radar.RADIUS * 2; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return Radar.RADIUS * 2; } }`





清单 9-45。 可绘画文字

`public class PaintableText extends PaintableObject { private static final float WIDTH_PAD = 4; private static final float HEIGHT_PAD = 2;

private String text = null; private int color = 0; private int size = 0; private float width = 0; private float height = 0; private boolean bg = false;public PaintableText(String text, int color, int size, boolean paintBackground) { set(text, color, size, paintBackground); }

public void set(String text, int color, int size, boolean paintBackground) { if (text==null) throw new NullPointerException();

this.text = text; this.bg = paintBackground; this.color = color; this.size = size; this.width = getTextWidth(text) + WIDTH_PAD * 2; this.height = getTextAsc() + getTextDesc() + HEIGHT_PAD * 2; }

@Override public void paint(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null || text==null) throw new NullPointerException();

setColor(color); setFontSize(size); if (bg) { setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0)); setFill(true); paintRect(canvas, -(width/2), -(height/2), width, height); setColor(Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)); setFill(false); paintRect(canvas, -(width/2), -(height/2), width, height); } paintText(canvas, (WIDTH_PAD - width/2), (HEIGHT_PAD + getTextAsc() - height/2), text); }

@Override public float getWidth() { return width; }

@Override public float getHeight() { return height; } }`


现在,在我们进入主要的 UI 组件之前,比如Radar类、Marker类和IconMarker类,我们需要创建一些工具类。




我们的第一个工具类是Vector类。这个类处理Vectors后面的数学。在前一章我们有一个类似的叫做Vector3D的类,但是这一个更全面。所有这些都是纯 Java,没有任何 Android 特有的东西。代码改编自免费开源 Mixare 框架的Vector类(http://www.mixare.org/)。我们将看看按类型分组的方法,比如数学函数、设置值等等。


清单 9-46。 向量的构造函数和全局变量

`public class Vector { private final float[] matrixArray = new float[9];

private volatile float x = 0f; private volatile float y = 0f; private volatile float z = 0f;

public Vector() { this(0, 0, 0); }

public Vector(float x, float y, float z) { set(x, y, z); }`


现在让我们看看这个类的 getter 和 setter 方法:

清单 9-47。 get()和 set()

`public synchronized float getX() { return x; } public synchronized void setX(float x) { this.x = x; }

public synchronized float getY() { return y; }

public synchronized void setY(float y) { this.y = y; }

public synchronized float getZ() { return z; }

public synchronized void setZ(float z) { this.z = z; }

public synchronized void get(float[] array) { if (array==null || array.length!=3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("get() array must be non-NULL and size of 3");

array[0] = this.x; array[1] = this.y; array[2] = this.z; }

public void set(Vector v) { if (v==null) return;

set(v.x, v.y, v.z); }

public void set(float[] array) { if (array==null || array.length!=3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("get() array must be non-NULL and size of 3");

set(array[0], array[1], array[2]); }

public synchronized void set(float x, float y, float z) {this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }`

getX()getY()getZ()分别向调用方法返回xyz的值,而它们的set()对应方更新所述值。采用浮点数组作为参数的get()方法将一次性给出xyz的值。在剩下的三个set()方法中,有两个最终调用了set(float x, float y, float z),它设置了xyz的值。调用这个方法的另外两个set()方法只是允许我们使用数组或预先存在的向量来设置值,而不是总是必须为xyz传递单独的值。


清单 9-48。 向量类的数学部分

`@Override public synchronized boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj==null) return false;

Vector v = (Vector) obj; return (v.x == this.x && v.y == this.y && v.z == this.z); }

public synchronized void add(float x, float y, float z) { this.x += x; this.y += y; this.z += z; }

public void add(Vector v) { if (v==null) return;

add(v.x, v.y, v.z); }

public void sub(Vector v) { if (v==null) return;

add(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z); }

public synchronized void mult(float s) { this.x = s; this.y = s; this.z *= s; }public synchronized void divide(float s) { this.x /= s; this.y /= s; this.z /= s; }

public synchronized float length() { return (float) Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); }

public void norm() { divide(length()); }

public synchronized void cross(Vector u, Vector v) { if (v==null || u==null) return;

float x = u.y * v.z - u.z * v.y; float y = u.z * v.x - u.x * v.z; float z = u.x * v.y - u.y * v.x; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }

public synchronized void prod(Matrix m) { if (m==null) return;

m.get(matrixArray); float xTemp = matrixArray[0] * this.x + matrixArray[1] * this.y + matrixArray[2] * this.z; float yTemp = matrixArray[3] * this.x + matrixArray[4] * this.y + matrixArray[5] * this.z; float zTemp = matrixArray[6] * this.x + matrixArray[7] * this.y + matrixArray[8] * this.z;

this.x = xTemp; this.y = yTemp; this.z = zTemp; }

@Override public synchronized String toString() { return "x = " + this.x + ", y = " + this.y + ", z = " + this.z; } }`

equals()方法将 vector 与给定的对象进行比较,看它们是否相等。add()sub()方法分别在向量中加入和减去参数。mult()方法将所有值乘以传递的浮点数。divide()方法将所有的值除以传递的浮点数。length()方法返回向量的长度。norm()方法将向量除以其长度。方法将两个向量交叉相乘。prod()方法将向量与提供的矩阵相乘。toString()以人类可读的格式返回xyz的值。




清单 9-49。 公用事业

`public abstract class Utilities {

private Utilities() { }

public static final float getAngle(float center_x, float center_y, float post_x, float post_y) { float tmpv_x = post_x - center_x; float tmpv_y = post_y - center_y; float d = (float) Math.sqrt(tmpv_x * tmpv_x + tmpv_y * tmpv_y); float cos = tmpv_x / d; float angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(cos));

angle = (tmpv_y < 0) ? angle * -1 : angle;

return angle; } }`




清单 9-50。T3【俯仰角计算器】T4

`public class PitchAzimuthCalculator { private static final Vector looking = new Vector(); private static final float[] lookingArray = new float[3];

private static volatile float azimuth = 0;

private static volatile float pitch = 0;

private PitchAzimuthCalculator() {};

public static synchronized float getAzimuth() { return PitchAzimuthCalculator.azimuth; } public static synchronized float getPitch() { return PitchAzimuthCalculator.pitch; }

public static synchronized void calcPitchBearing(Matrix rotationM) { if (rotationM==null) return;

looking.set(0, 0, 0); rotationM.transpose(); looking.set(1, 0, 0); looking.prod(rotationM); looking.get(lookingArray); PitchAzimuthCalculator.azimuth = ((Utilities.getAngle(0, 0, lookingArray[0], lookingArray[2]) + 360 ) % 360);

rotationM.transpose(); looking.set(0, 1, 0); looking.prod(rotationM); looking.get(lookingArray); PitchAzimuthCalculator.pitch = -Utilities.getAngle(0, 0, lookingArray[1], lookingArray[2]); } }`




清单 9-51。T3】low pass filter

`public class LowPassFilter {

private static final float ALPHA_DEFAULT = 0.333f; private static final float ALPHA_STEADY = 0.001f; private static final float ALPHA_START_MOVING = 0.6f; private static final float ALPHA_MOVING = 0.9f;

private LowPassFilter() { }

public static float[] filter(float low, float high, float[] current, float[] previous) { if (current==null || previous==null) throw new NullPointerException("Input and prev float arrays must be non-NULL"); if (current.length!=previous.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input and prev must be the same length");

float alpha = computeAlpha(low,high,current,previous);

for ( int i=0; i<current.length; i++ ) { previous[i] = previous[i] + alpha * (current[i] - previous[i]); } return previous; }

private static final float computeAlpha(float low, float high, float[] current, float[] previous) { if(previous.length != 3 || current.length != 3) return ALPHA_DEFAULT;

float x1 = current[0], y1 = current[1], z1 = current[2];

float x2 = previous[0], y2 = previous[1], z2 = previous[2];

float distance = (float)(Math.sqrt( Math.pow((double)(x2 - x1), 2d) + Math.pow((double)(y2 - y1), 2d) + Math.pow((double)(z2 - z1), 2d)) );

if(distance < low) { return ALPHA_STEADY; } else if(distance >= low || distance < high) { return ALPHA_START_MOVING; }return ALPHA_MOVING; } }`



Matrix类处理与矩阵相关的函数,就像 Vector 类处理向量一样。同样,这个类是从 Mixare 框架改编而来的。


清单 9-52。 矩阵的 getters 和 setters,以及构造函数

`public class Matrix { private static final Matrix tmp = new Matrix();

private volatile float a1=0f, a2=0f, a3=0f; private volatile float b1=0f, b2=0f, b3=0f; private volatile float c1=0f, c2=0f, c3=0f;

public Matrix() { }

public synchronized float getA1() { return a1; } public synchronized void setA1(float a1) { this.a1 = a1; }

public synchronized float getA2() { return a2; } public synchronized void setA2(float a2) { this.a2 = a2; }

public synchronized float getA3() { return a3; } public synchronized void setA3(float a3) { this.a3 = a3; }

public synchronized float getB1() { return b1; }public synchronized void setB1(float b1) { this.b1 = b1; }

public synchronized float getB2() { return b2; } public synchronized void setB2(float b2) { this.b2 = b2; }

public synchronized float getB3() { return b3; } public synchronized void setB3(float b3) { this.b3 = b3; }

public synchronized float getC1() { return c1; } public synchronized void setC1(float c1) { this.c1 = c1; }

public synchronized float getC2() { return c2; } public synchronized void setC2(float c2) { this.c2 = c2; }

public synchronized float getC3() { return c3; } public synchronized void setC3(float c3) { this.c3 = c3; }

public synchronized void get(float[] array) { if (array==null || array.length!=9) throw new IllegalArgumentException("get() array must be non-NULL and size of 9");

array[0] = this.a1; array[1] = this.a2; array[2] = this.a3;

array[3] = this.b1; array[4] = this.b2;array[5] = this.b3;

array[6] = this.c1; array[7] = this.c2; array[8] = this.c3; }

public void set(Matrix m) { if (m==null) throw new NullPointerException();

set(m.a1,m. a2, m.a3, m.b1, m.b2, m.b3, m.c1, m.c2, m.c3); }

public synchronized void set(float a1, float a2, float a3, float b1, float b2, float b3, float c1, float c2, float c3) { this.a1 = a1; this.a2 = a2; this.a3 = a3;

this.b1 = b1; this.b2 = b2;this.b3 = b3;

this.c1 = c1; this.c2 = c2; this.c3 = c3; }`



清单 9-53。 矩阵的数学函数

`public void toIdentity() { set(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); }

public synchronized void adj() { float a11 = this.a1; float a12 = this.a2; float a13 = this.a3;

float a21 = this.b1; float a22 = this.b2; float a23 = this.b3;

float a31 = this.c1; float a32 = this.c2; float a33 = this.c3;

this.a1 = det2x2(a22, a23, a32, a33); this.a2 = det2x2(a13, a12, a33, a32); this.a3 = det2x2(a12, a13, a22, a23);

this.b1 = det2x2(a23, a21, a33, a31); this.b2 = det2x2(a11, a13, a31, a33); this.b3 = det2x2(a13, a11, a23, a21);

this.c1 = det2x2(a21, a22, a31, a32); this.c2 = det2x2(a12, a11, a32, a31); this.c3 = det2x2(a11, a12, a21, a22); }

public void invert() { float det = this.det();

adj(); mult(1 / det); }

public synchronized void transpose() { float a11 = this.a1; float a12 = this.a2; float a13 = this.a3;

float a21 = this.b1; float a22 = this.b2; float a23 = this.b3;

float a31 = this.c1; float a32 = this.c2; float a33 = this.c3;

this.b1 = a12; this.a2 = a21; this.b3 = a32; this.c2 = a23; this.c1 = a13; this.a3 = a31;

this.a1 = a11; this.b2 = a22; this.c3 = a33; }private float det2x2(float a, float b, float c, float d) { return (a * d) - (b * c); }

public synchronized float det() { return (this.a1 * this.b2 * this.c3) - (this.a1 * this.b3 * this.c2) - (this.a2 * this.b1 * this.c3) + (this.a2 * this.b3 * this.c1) + (this.a3 * this.b1 * this.c2) - (this.a3 * this.b2 * this.c1); }

public synchronized void mult(float c) { this.a1 = this.a1 * c; this.a2 = this.a2 * c; this.a3 = this.a3 * c;

this.b1 = this.b1 * c; this.b2 = this.b2 * c; this.b3 = this.b3 * c;

this.c1 = this.c1 * c; this.c2 = this.c2 * c; this.c3 = this.c3 * c; }

public synchronized void prod(Matrix n) { if (n==null) throw new NullPointerException();

tmp.set(this); this.a1 = (tmp.a1 * n.a1) + (tmp.a2 * n.b1) + (tmp.a3 * n.c1); this.a2 = (tmp.a1 * n.a2) + (tmp.a2 * n.b2) + (tmp.a3 * n.c2); this.a3 = (tmp.a1 * n.a3) + (tmp.a2 * n.b3) + (tmp.a3 * n.c3);

this.b1 = (tmp.b1 * n.a1) + (tmp.b2 * n.b1) + (tmp.b3 * n.c1); this.b2 = (tmp.b1 * n.a2) + (tmp.b2 * n.b2) + (tmp.b3 * n.c2); this.b3 = (tmp.b1 * n.a3) + (tmp.b2 * n.b3) + (tmp.b3 * n.c3);

this.c1 = (tmp.c1 * n.a1) + (tmp.c2 * n.b1) + (tmp.c3 * n.c1); this.c2 = (tmp.c1 * n.a2) + (tmp.c2 * n.b2) + (tmp.c3 * n.c2); this.c3 = (tmp.c1 * n.a3) + (tmp.c2 * n.b3) + (tmp.c3 * n.c3); }

@Override public synchronized String toString() { return "(" + this.a1 + "," + this.a2 + "," + this.a3 + ")"+ " (" + this.b1 + "," + this.b2 + "," + this.b3 + ")"+ " (" + this.c1 + "," + this.c2 + "," + this.c3 + ")"; } }`

toIdentity()将矩阵的值设置为 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1。adj()求矩阵的伴随矩阵。invert()通过调用adj()然后除以通过调用det()方法找到的行列式来反转矩阵。transpose()方法转置矩阵。det2x2()方法为提供的值寻找行列式,而det()方法为整个矩阵寻找行列式。mult()将矩阵中的每个值乘以提供的浮点数,而prod()将矩阵乘以提供的MatrixtoString()以人类可读的字符串格式返回所有值。



这些类负责我们应用的主要组件,比如雷达和标记。标记组件分为两个类,IconMarker 和 Marker。




清单 9-54。 雷达类的变量和构造函数

`public class Radar { public static final float RADIUS = 48; private static final int LINE_COLOR = Color.argb(150,0,0,220); private static final float PAD_X = 10; private static final float PAD_Y = 20; private static final int RADAR_COLOR = Color.argb(100, 0, 0, 200); private static final int TEXT_COLOR = Color.rgb(255,255,255); private static final int TEXT_SIZE = 12;

private static ScreenPositionUtility leftRadarLine = null; private static ScreenPositionUtility rightRadarLine = null; private static PaintablePosition leftLineContainer = null; private static PaintablePosition rightLineContainer = null; private static PaintablePosition circleContainer = null;

private static PaintableRadarPoints radarPoints = null; private static PaintablePosition pointsContainer = null;private static PaintableText paintableText = null; private static PaintablePosition paintedContainer = null;

public Radar() { if (leftRadarLine==null) leftRadarLine = new ScreenPositionUtility(); if (rightRadarLine==null) rightRadarLine = new ScreenPositionUtility(); }`



清单 9-55。 雷达的方法

`public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

PitchAzimuthCalculator.calcPitchBearing(ARData.getRotationMatrix()); ARData.setAzimuth(PitchAzimuthCalculator.getAzimuth()); ARData.setPitch(PitchAzimuthCalculator.getPitch());

drawRadarCircle(canvas); drawRadarPoints(canvas); drawRadarLines(canvas); drawRadarText(canvas); }

private void drawRadarCircle(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (circleContainer==null) { PaintableCircle paintableCircle = new PaintableCircle(RADAR_COLOR,RADIUS,true); circleContainer = new PaintablePosition(paintableCircle,PAD_X+RADIUS,PAD_Y+RADIUS,0,1); } circleContainer.paint(canvas); }

private void drawRadarPoints(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (radarPoints==null) radarPoints = new PaintableRadarPoints();

if (pointsContainer==null)pointsContainer = new PaintablePosition( radarPoints, PAD_X, PAD_Y, -ARData.getAzimuth(), 1); else pointsContainer.set(radarPoints, PAD_X, PAD_Y, -ARData.getAzimuth(), 1);

pointsContainer.paint(canvas); }

private void drawRadarLines(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (leftLineContainer==null) { leftRadarLine.set(0, -RADIUS); leftRadarLine.rotate(-CameraModel.DEFAULT_VIEW_ANGLE / 2); leftRadarLine.add(PAD_X+RADIUS, PAD_Y+RADIUS);

float leftX = leftRadarLine.getX()-(PAD_X+RADIUS); float leftY = leftRadarLine.getY()-(PAD_Y+RADIUS); PaintableLine leftLine = new PaintableLine(LINE_COLOR, leftX, leftY); leftLineContainer = new PaintablePosition( leftLine, PAD_X+RADIUS, PAD_Y+RADIUS, 0, 1); } leftLineContainer.paint(canvas);

if (rightLineContainer==null) { rightRadarLine.set(0, -RADIUS); rightRadarLine.rotate(CameraModel.DEFAULT_VIEW_ANGLE / 2); rightRadarLine.add(PAD_X+RADIUS, PAD_Y+RADIUS);

float rightX = rightRadarLine.getX()-(PAD_X+RADIUS); float rightY = rightRadarLine.getY()-(PAD_Y+RADIUS); PaintableLine rightLine = new PaintableLine(LINE_COLOR, rightX, rightY); rightLineContainer = new PaintablePosition( rightLine, PAD_X+RADIUS, PAD_Y+RADIUS, 0, 1); }rightLineContainer.paint(canvas); }

private void drawRadarText(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException(); int range = (int) (ARData.getAzimuth() / (360f / 16f)); String dirTxt = ""; if (range == 15 || range == 0) dirTxt = "N"; else if (range == 1 || range == 2) dirTxt = "NE"; else if (range == 3 || range == 4) dirTxt = "E"; else if (range == 5 || range == 6) dirTxt = "SE"; else if (range == 7 || range == 8) dirTxt= "S"; else if (range == 9 || range == 10) dirTxt = "SW"; else if (range == 11 || range == 12) dirTxt = "W"; else if (range == 13 || range == 14) dirTxt = "NW"; int bearing = (int) ARData.getAzimuth(); radarText( canvas, ""+bearing+((char)176)+" "+dirTxt, (PAD_X + RADIUS), (PAD_Y - 5), true );

radarText( canvas, formatDist(ARData.getRadius() * 1000), (PAD_X + RADIUS), (PAD_Y + RADIUS*2 -10), false ); }

private void radarText(Canvas canvas, String txt, float x, float y, boolean bg) { if (canvas==null || txt==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (paintableText==null) paintableText = new PaintableText(txt,TEXT_COLOR,TEXT_SIZE,bg); else paintableText.set(txt,TEXT_COLOR,TEXT_SIZE,bg);

if (paintedContainer==null) paintedContainer = new PaintablePosition(paintableText,x,y,0,1); else paintedContainer.set(paintableText,x,y,0,1);

paintedContainer.paint(canvas); }

private static String formatDist(float meters) { if (meters < 1000) { return ((int) meters) + "m"; } else if (meters < 10000) {return formatDec(meters / 1000f, 1) + "km"; } else { return ((int) (meters / 1000f)) + "km"; } }

private static String formatDec(float val, int dec) { int factor = (int) Math.pow(10, dec);

int front = (int) (val); int back = (int) Math.abs(val * (factor) ) % factor;

return front + "." + back; } }`







清单 9-56。 全局变量

`public class Marker implements Comparable { private static final DecimalFormat DECIMAL_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("@#");

private static final Vector symbolVector = new Vector(0, 0, 0); private static final Vector textVector = new Vector(0, 1, 0);

private final Vector screenPositionVector = new Vector();private final Vector tmpSymbolVector = new Vector(); private final Vector tmpVector = new Vector(); private final Vector tmpTextVector = new Vector(); private final float[] distanceArray = new float[1]; private final float[] locationArray = new float[3]; private final float[] screenPositionArray = new float[3];

private float initialY = 0.0f;

private volatile static CameraModel cam = null;

private volatile PaintableBoxedText textBox = null; private volatile PaintablePosition textContainer = null;

protected final float[] symbolArray = new float[3]; protected final float[] textArray = new float[3];

protected volatile PaintableObject gpsSymbol = null; protected volatile PaintablePosition symbolContainer = null; protected String name = null; protected volatile PhysicalLocationUtility physicalLocation = new PhysicalLocationUtility(); protected volatile double distance = 0.0; protected volatile boolean isOnRadar = false; protected volatile boolean isInView = false; protected final Vector symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView = new Vector(); protected final Vector textXyzRelativeToCameraView = new Vector(); protected final Vector locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation = new Vector(); protected int color = Color.WHITE;

private static boolean debugTouchZone = false; private static PaintableBox touchBox = null; private static PaintablePosition touchPosition = null;

private static boolean debugCollisionZone = false; private static PaintableBox collisionBox = null; private static PaintablePosition collisionPosition = null;`




initialY是每个标记的初始 Y 轴位置。一开始它被设置为 0,但是它的值对于每个标记都是不同的。

textBoxtextContainercam分别是PaintableBoxedTextPaintablePostionCameraModel的实例。我们还没有写CameraModel;我们将在完成应用的所有 UI 部分后这样做。


gpsSymbol是,嗯,GPS 符号。symbolContainer是 GPS 符号的容器。name是每个标记的唯一标识符,使用维基百科文章的文章标题和推文的用户名设置。physicalLocation是标记的物理位置(真实位置)。distance以米为单位存储用户到physicalLocation的距离。isOnRadarisInView用作标记,以跟踪标记的可见性。symbolXyzRelativeToCameraViewtextXyzRelativeToCameraViewlocationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation分别用于确定标记符号和文本相对于摄像机视图的位置,以及用户相对于物理位置的位置。x是向上/向下;y是左/右;而z不是用来,而是用来完成矢量的。颜色int是标记的默认颜色,设置为白色。

debugTouchZonedebugCollisionZone是我们用来启用和禁用两个区域的调试的两个标志。touchBoxtouchPositioncollisionBoxcollisionPosition用于绘制不透明框,帮助我们调试 app。

图 9-1 显示了在debugTouchZonedebugCollisionZone没有设置为false的情况下 app 运行;在图 9.2 中,它们被设置为true


图 9-2。 禁用触摸碰撞调试运行的 app


图 9-3。 启用触摸碰撞调试运行的 app

构造函数和 set()方法


清单 9-57。 构造函数和 set()方法

`public Marker(String name, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, int color) { set(name, latitude, longitude, altitude, color); } public synchronized void set(String name, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, int color) { if (name==null) throw new NullPointerException();

this.name = name; this.physicalLocation.set(latitude,longitude,altitude); this.color = color; this.isOnRadar = false; this.isInView = false; this.symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.set(0, 0, 0); this.textXyzRelativeToCameraView.set(0, 0, 0); this.locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation.set(0, 0, 0); this.initialY = 0.0f; }`

构造函数采用标记的名称;其纬度、经度和高度为PhysicalLocation;和颜色作为参数,然后将它们传递给set()方法。set()方法将这些值设置为在清单 9-56 中描述和给出的变量。它还处理摄像机的一些基本初始化和屏幕上标记的位置。



清单 9-58。get()方法

`public synchronized String getName(){ return this.name; }

public synchronized int getColor() { return this.color; }

public synchronized double getDistance() { return this.distance; }

public synchronized float getInitialY() { return this.initialY; }

public synchronized boolean isOnRadar() { return this.isOnRadar; }

public synchronized boolean isInView() { return this.isInView; }

public synchronized Vector getScreenPosition() { symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray); textXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(textArray); float x = (symbolArray[0] + textArray[0])/2; float y = (symbolArray[1] + textArray[1])/2; float z = (symbolArray[2] + textArray[2])/2;

if (textBox!=null) y += (textBox.getHeight()/2);

screenPositionVector.set(x, y, z); return screenPositionVector; }

public synchronized Vector getLocation() { return this.locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation; }public synchronized float getHeight() { if (symbolContainer==null || textContainer==null) return 0f; return symbolContainer.getHeight()+textContainer.getHeight(); }

public synchronized float getWidth() { if (symbolContainer==null || textContainer==null) return 0f; float w1 = textContainer.getWidth(); float w2 = symbolContainer.getWidth(); return (w1>w2)?w1:w2; }`

getName(), getColor(), getDistance(), getLocation(), isInView(), isOnRadar()getInitialY()只是返回名称所指示的值。getHeight()将文本和符号图像的高度相加并返回。getWidth()检查并返回文本和符号图像之间的较大宽度。getScreenPosition()通过使用文本和符号的位置,计算标记在屏幕上相对于摄像机视图的位置。

update()和 populateMatrices()方法


清单 9-59。 更新()和填充矩阵()

`public synchronized void update(Canvas canvas, float addX, float addY) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (cam==null) cam = new CameraModel(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), true); cam.set(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), false); cam.setViewAngle(CameraModel.DEFAULT_VIEW_ANGLE); populateMatrices(cam, addX, addY); updateRadar(); updateView(); }

private synchronized void populateMatrices(CameraModel cam, float addX, float addY) { if (cam==null) throw new NullPointerException();

tmpSymbolVector.set(symbolVector); tmpSymbolVector.add(locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation); tmpSymbolVector.prod(ARData.getRotationMatrix());

tmpTextVector.set(textVector);tmpTextVector.add(locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation); tmpTextVector.prod(ARData.getRotationMatrix());

cam.projectPoint(tmpSymbolVector, tmpVector, addX, addY); symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.set(tmpVector); cam.projectPoint(tmpTextVector, tmpVector, addX, addY); textXyzRelativeToCameraView.set(tmpVector); }`

update()方法用于更新视图和填充矩阵。我们首先确保canvas不是一个null值,如果cam还没有初始化,就初始化它。然后我们更新cam的属性,使之与正在使用的canvas相匹配,并设置它的视角。视角是在CameraModel中定义的,这个类我们会在本章后面写。然后它调用populateMatrices()方法,传递cam对象,以及要作为参数添加到标记的 X 和 Y 位置的值。在那之后,update()进一步调用updateRadar()updateView().populateMatrices(),中,我们找到文本的位置和标记的符号,给定我们从ARData中得到的旋转矩阵,一个我们将在本章稍后编写的类。然后,我们使用这些数据将文本和符号投射到摄像机视图上。

updateView()和 updateRadar()方法


清单 9-60。 更新雷达()和更新视图()

`private synchronized void updateRadar() { isOnRadar = false;

float range = ARData.getRadius() * 1000; float scale = range / Radar.RADIUS; locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation.get(locationArray); float x = locationArray[0] / scale; float y = locationArray[2] / scale; // z==y Switched on purpose symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray); if ((symbolArray[2] < -1f) && ((xx+yy)<(Radar.RADIUS*Radar.RADIUS))) { isOnRadar = true; } }

private synchronized void updateView() { isInView = false;

symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray);float x1 = symbolArray[0] + (getWidth()/2); float y1 = symbolArray[1] + (getHeight()/2); float x2 = symbolArray[0] - (getWidth()/2); float y2 = symbolArray[1] - (getHeight()/2); if (x1>=-1 && x2<=(cam.getWidth()) && y1>=-1 && y2<=(cam.getHeight()) ) { isInView = true; } }`


calcRelativePosition()和 updateDistance()方法


清单 9-61。 calcRelativePosition()和 updateDistance()

`public synchronized void calcRelativePosition(Location location) { if (location==null) throw new NullPointerException();


if (physicalLocation.getAltitude()==0.0) physicalLocation.setAltitude(location.getAltitude());

PhysicalLocationUtility.convLocationToVector(location, physicalLocation, locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation); this.initialY = locationXyzRelativeToPhysicalLocation.getY(); updateRadar(); }

private synchronized void updateDistance(Location location) { if (location==null) throw new NullPointerException();

Location.distanceBetween(physicalLocation.getLatitude(), physicalLocation.getLongitude(), location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), distanceArray); distance = distanceArray[0]; }`


handleClick()、isMarkerOnMarker()和 isPointOnMarker()方法


清单 9-62。 检查点击和重叠

`public synchronized boolean handleClick(float x, float y) { if (!isOnRadar || !isInView) return false; return isPointOnMarker(x,y,this); }

public synchronized boolean isMarkerOnMarker(Marker marker) { return isMarkerOnMarker(marker,true); }

private synchronized boolean isMarkerOnMarker(Marker marker, boolean reflect) { marker.getScreenPosition().get(screenPositionArray); float x = screenPositionArray[0]; float y = screenPositionArray[1]; boolean middleOfMarker = isPointOnMarker(x,y,this); if (middleOfMarker) return true;

float halfWidth = marker.getWidth()/2; float halfHeight = marker.getHeight()/2;

float x1 = x - halfWidth; float y1 = y - halfHeight; boolean upperLeftOfMarker = isPointOnMarker(x1,y1,this); if (upperLeftOfMarker) return true;

float x2 = x + halfWidth; float y2 = y1; boolean upperRightOfMarker = isPointOnMarker(x2,y2,this); if (upperRightOfMarker) return true;

float x3 = x1;float y3 = y + halfHeight; boolean lowerLeftOfMarker = isPointOnMarker(x3,y3,this); if (lowerLeftOfMarker) return true;

float x4 = x2; float y4 = y3; boolean lowerRightOfMarker = isPointOnMarker(x4,y4,this); if (lowerRightOfMarker) return true;

return (reflect)?marker.isMarkerOnMarker(this,false):false; }

private synchronized boolean isPointOnMarker(float x, float y, Marker marker) { marker.getScreenPosition().get(screenPositionArray); float myX = screenPositionArray[0]; float myY = screenPositionArray[1]; float adjWidth = marker.getWidth()/2; float adjHeight = marker.getHeight()/2;

float x1 = myX-adjWidth; float y1 = myY-adjHeight; float x2 = myX+adjWidth; float y2 = myY+adjHeight;

if (x>=x1 && x<=x2 && y>=y1 && y<=y2) return true;

return false; }`

handleClick()将点击的 X 和 Y 点作为参数。如果标记不在雷达上,也不在视图中,它返回false。否则,它会通过调用isPointOnMarker()返回找到的任何内容。


isPointOnMarker()检查传递的 X 和 Y 坐标是否位于标记上。



清单 9-63。 当先()

`public synchronized void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (!isOnRadar || !isInView) return;

if (debugTouchZone) drawTouchZone(canvas); if (debugCollisionZone) drawCollisionZone(canvas); drawIcon(canvas); drawText(canvas); }`


drawTouchZone()、drawCollisionZone()、drawIcon()和 drawText()方法


清单 9-64。 drawTouchZone()、drawCollisionZone()、drawIcon()和 drawText()

`protected synchronized void drawCollisionZone(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

getScreenPosition().get(screenPositionArray); float x = screenPositionArray[0]; float y = screenPositionArray[1];

float width = getWidth(); float height = getHeight(); float halfWidth = width/2; float halfHeight = height/2;

float x1 = x - halfWidth; float y1 = y - halfHeight;float x2 = x + halfWidth; float y2 = y1;

float x3 = x1; float y3 = y + halfHeight;

float x4 = x2; float y4 = y3;

Log.w("collisionBox", "ul (x="+x1+" y="+y1+")"); Log.w("collisionBox", "ur (x="+x2+" y="+y2+")"); Log.w("collisionBox", "ll (x="+x3+" y="+y3+")"); Log.w("collisionBox", "lr (x="+x4+" y="+y4+")");

if (collisionBox==null) collisionBox = new PaintableBox(width,height,Color.WHITE,Color.RED); else collisionBox.set(width,height);

float currentAngle = Utilities.getAngle(symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], textArray[0], textArray[1])+90;

if (collisionPosition==null) collisionPosition = new PaintablePosition(collisionBox, x1, y1, currentAngle, 1); else collisionPosition.set(collisionBox, x1, y1, currentAngle, 1); collisionPosition.paint(canvas); }

protected synchronized void drawTouchZone(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (gpsSymbol==null) return;

symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray); textXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(textArray); float x1 = symbolArray[0]; float y1 = symbolArray[1]; float x2 = textArray[0]; float y2 = textArray[1]; float width = getWidth(); float height = getHeight(); float adjX = (x1 + x2)/2; float adjY = (y1 + y2)/2; float currentAngle = Utilities.getAngle(symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], textArray[0], textArray[1])+90; adjX -= (width/2); adjY -= (gpsSymbol.getHeight()/2);

Log.w("touchBox", "ul (x="+(adjX)+" y="+(adjY)+")"); Log.w("touchBox", "ur (x="+(adjX+width)+" y="+(adjY)+")"); Log.w("touchBox", "ll (x="+(adjX)+" y="+(adjY+height)+")"); Log.w("touchBox", "lr (x="+(adjX+width)+" y="+(adjY+height)+")");

if (touchBox==null) touchBox = new PaintableBox(width,height,Color.WHITE,Color.GREEN); else touchBox.set(width,height);if (touchPosition==null) touchPosition = new PaintablePosition(touchBox, adjX, adjY, currentAngle, 1); else touchPosition.set(touchBox, adjX, adjY, currentAngle, 1); touchPosition.paint(canvas); }

protected synchronized void drawIcon(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (gpsSymbol==null) gpsSymbol = new PaintableGps(36, 36, true, getColor());

textXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(textArray); symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray);

float currentAngle = Utilities.getAngle(symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], textArray[0], textArray[1]); float angle = currentAngle + 90;

if (symbolContainer==null) symbolContainer = new PaintablePosition(gpsSymbol, symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], angle, 1); else symbolContainer.set(gpsSymbol, symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], angle, 1);

symbolContainer.paint(canvas); }

protected synchronized void drawText(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null) throw new NullPointerException();

String textStr = null; if (distance<1000.0) { textStr = name + " ("+ DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(distance) + "m)"; } else { double d=distance/1000.0; textStr = name + " (" + DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(d) + "km)"; }

textXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(textArray); symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray);

float maxHeight = Math.round(canvas.getHeight() / 10f) + 1; if (textBox==null) textBox = new PaintableBoxedText(textStr, Math.round(maxHeight / 2f) + 1, 300); else textBox.set(textStr, Math.round(maxHeight / 2f) + 1, 300);

float currentAngle = Utilities.getAngle(symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], textArray[0], textArray[1]); float angle = currentAngle + 90;float x = textArray[0] - (textBox.getWidth() / 2); float y = textArray[1] + maxHeight;

if (textContainer==null) textContainer = new PaintablePosition(textBox, x, y, angle, 1); else textContainer.set(textBox, x, y, angle, 1); textContainer.paint(canvas); }`


compareTo()和 equals()方法


清单 9-65。 compareTo()和 equals()

`public synchronized int compareTo(Marker another) { if (another==null) throw new NullPointerException();

return name.compareTo(another.getName()); }

@Override public synchronized boolean equals(Object marker) { if(marker==null || name==null) throw new NullPointerException();

return name.equals(((Marker)marker).getName()); } }`

compareTo()使用标准 Java 字符串函数比较两个标记的名称。equals()使用标准的 Java 字符串函数来检查一个标记与另一个标记的名称。




清单 9-66。T3】图标标记

`public class IconMarker extends Marker { private Bitmap bitmap = null;

public IconMarker(String name, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, int color, Bitmap bitmap) { super(name, latitude, longitude, altitude, color); this.bitmap = bitmap; }

@Override public void drawIcon(Canvas canvas) { if (canvas==null || bitmap==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (gpsSymbol==null) gpsSymbol = new PaintableIcon(bitmap,96,96);

textXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(textArray); symbolXyzRelativeToCameraView.get(symbolArray);

float currentAngle = Utilities.getAngle(symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], textArray[0], textArray[1]); float angle = currentAngle + 90;

if (symbolContainer==null) symbolContainer = new PaintablePosition(gpsSymbol, symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], angle, 1); else symbolContainer.set(gpsSymbol, symbolArray[0], symbolArray[1], angle, 1);

symbolContainer.paint(canvas); } }`


这就把我们带到了 UI 组件的结尾。现在让我们来看看VerticalSeekBar.java,我们对 Android SeekBar 的定制扩展。


我们在应用中定制了一个标准的 Android 小部件。我们扩展了SeekBar来创建VerticalSeekBar

垂直杆. java

VerticalSeekBar是 Android 的SeekBar实现的扩展。我们的附加代码允许它垂直工作,而不是水平工作。应用中使用的zoomBar是这个类的一个实例。

清单 9-67。VerticalSeekBar.javaT2

`public class VerticalSeekBar extends SeekBar {

public VerticalSeekBar(Context context) { super(context); }

public VerticalSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); }

public VerticalSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); }

@Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(h, w, oldh, oldw); }

@Override protected synchronized void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(heightMeasureSpec, widthMeasureSpec); setMeasuredDimension(getMeasuredHeight(), getMeasuredWidth()); }

@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas c) { c.rotate(-90); c.translate(-getHeight(), 0);

super.onDraw(c); }

@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!isEnabled()) { return false; }

switch (event.getAction()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: setProgress(getMax() - (int) (getMax() * event.getY() / getHeight())); onSizeChanged(getWidth(), getHeight(), 0, 0); break;

case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: break; } return true; } }`

我们的三个构造函数用于将它绑定到父类SeekBaronSizeChanged()也可以追溯到SeekBar类。onMeasure()执行一个super()调用,并使用 Android 的View类提供的方法设置测量的高度和宽度。实际的修改是在onDraw()中完成的,在将画布传递给SeekBar之前,我们将画布旋转 90 度,这样绘图是垂直完成的,而不是水平完成的。在onTouchEvent()中,我们调用setProgress()onSizeChanged()来允许我们旋转SeekBar以正常工作。



与任何 AR 应用一样,我们也必须在这个应用中使用摄像头。由于这个应用的性质,相机控制已经放在三个类中,我们现在将通过。



清单 9-68。 变量和构造函数

`public class CameraSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { private static SurfaceHolder holder = null; private static Camera camera = null;

public CameraSurface(Context context) {super(context);

try { holder = getHolder(); holder.addCallback(this); holder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }`



清单 9-69。 surfaceCreated()

`public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { try { if (camera != null) { try { camera.stopPreview(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { camera.release(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } camera = null; }

camera = Camera.open(); camera.setPreviewDisplay(holder); } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (camera != null) { try { camera.stopPreview(); } catch (Exception ex1) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { camera.release(); } catch (Exception ex2) { ex.printStackTrace(); }camera = null; } } catch (Exception ex3) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }`



清单 9-70。 【地表摧毁】(

public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { try { if (camera != null) { try { camera.stopPreview(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { camera.release(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } camera = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }



清单 9-71。 surfaceChanged()

public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) { try { Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters(); try { List<Camera.Size> supportedSizes = null; `supportedSizes = CameraCompatibility.getSupportedPreviewSizes(parameters);

float ff = (float)w/h;

float bff = 0; int bestw = 0; int besth = 0; Iterator itr = supportedSizes.iterator();

while(itr.hasNext()) { Camera.Size element = itr.next(); float cff = (float)element.width/element.height;

if ((ff-cff <= ff-bff) && (element.width <= w) && (element.width >= bestw)) { bff=cff; bestw = element.width; besth = element.height; } }

if ((bestw == 0) || (besth == 0)){ bestw = 480; besth = 320; } parameters.setPreviewSize(bestw, besth); } catch (Exception ex) { parameters.setPreviewSize(480, 320); }

camera.setParameters(parameters); camera.startPreview(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }`

我们使用surfaceChanged()来计算预览尺寸,从而得到最接近设备屏幕宽高比(ff)的宽高比(形状系数,存储在bff)。我们还确保预览尺寸不大于屏幕尺寸,因为 HTC Hero 等一些手机报告的尺寸较大,当应用使用它们时会崩溃。我们在结尾还有一个if声明,以防止宽度和高度的值为 0,这可能发生在一些三星手机上。



允许我们的应用保持与所有版本 Android 的兼容性,并避开旧版本 API 的限制。它改编自 Mixare 项目,类似于Vector类。

清单 9-72。T2【相机兼容性】

`public class CameraCompatibility { private static Method getSupportedPreviewSizes = null; private static Method mDefaultDisplay_getRotation = null;

static { initCompatibility(); };

private static void initCompatibility() { try { getSupportedPreviewSizes = Camera.Parameters.class.getMethod("getSupportedPreviewSizes", new Class[] { } ); mDefaultDisplay_getRotation = Display.class.getMethod("getRotation", new Class[] { } ); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { } }

public static int getRotation(Activity activity) { int result = 1; try { Display display = ((WindowManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); Object retObj = mDefaultDisplay_getRotation.invoke(display); if(retObj != null) result = (Integer) retObj; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return result; }

public static List getSupportedPreviewSizes(Camera.Parameters params) { List retList = null;

try { Object retObj = getSupportedPreviewSizes.invoke(params); if (retObj != null) { retList = (List)retObj; } } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {Throwable cause = ite.getCause(); if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) cause; } else if (cause instanceof Error) { throw (Error) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(ite); } } catch (IllegalAccessException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } return retList; } }`

在低于 Android 2.0 的设备上失败,这允许我们优雅地将相机设置为 480 x320 的默认预览大小。getRotation()允许我们检索设备的旋转。getSupportedPreviewSizes()返回设备上可用的预览尺寸列表。

现在我们来看看CameraModel,相机类的最后一个,也是这个 app 的倒数第二个类。


CameraModel代表摄像机及其视图,也允许我们投射点。这是另一个由 Mixare 改编的类。

清单 9-73。 相机模型

`public class CameraModel { private static final float[] tmp1 = new float[3]; private static final float[] tmp2 = new float[3];

private int width = 0; private int height = 0; private float distance = 0F;

public static final float DEFAULT_VIEW_ANGLE = (float) Math.toRadians(45);

public CameraModel(int width, int height, boolean init) { set(width, height, init); }

public void set(int width, int height, boolean init) { this.width = width;this.height = height; }

public int getWidth() { return width; }

public int getHeight() { return height; }

public void setViewAngle(float viewAngle) { this.distance = (this.width / 2) / (float) Math.tan(viewAngle / 2); }

public void projectPoint(Vector orgPoint, Vector prjPoint, float addX, float addY) { orgPoint.get(tmp1); tmp2[0]=(distance * tmp1[0] / -tmp1[2]); tmp2[1]=(distance * tmp1[1] / -tmp1[2]); tmp2[2]=(tmp1[2]); tmp2[0]=(tmp2[0] + addX + width / 2); tmp2[1]=(-tmp2[1] + addY + height / 2); prjPoint.set(tmp2); } }`

构造函数设置类的宽度和高度。getWidth()getHeight()分别返回宽度和高度。setViewAngle()用新的视角更新距离。projectPoint()使用原点向量、投影向量以及 X 和 y 坐标的加法来投影一个点。





清单 9-74。T3】ar data 的全局变量

`public abstract class ARData { private static final String TAG = "ARData"; private static final Map markerList = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private static final List cache = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); private static final AtomicBoolean dirty = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static final float[] locationArray = new float[3];

public static final Location hardFix = new Location("ATL"); static { hardFix.setLatitude(0); hardFix.setLongitude(0); hardFix.setAltitude(1); }

private static final Object radiusLock = new Object(); private static float radius = new Float(20); private static String zoomLevel = new String(); private static final Object zoomProgressLock = new Object(); private static int zoomProgress = 0; private static Location currentLocation = hardFix; private static Matrix rotationMatrix = new Matrix(); private static final Object azimuthLock = new Object(); private static float azimuth = 0; private static final Object pitchLock = new Object(); private static float pitch = 0; private static final Object rollLock = new Object(); private static float roll = 0;`

TAG是在 LogCat 中显示消息时使用的字符串。markerList是标记及其名称的散列表。cache是,嗯,一个贮藏处。dirty用于判断状态是否为脏。locationArray是位置数据的数组。hardFix是默认位置,与我们拥有的 ATL 标记相同。radius是雷达半径;zoomProgress是我们应用中的缩放进度。pitchazimuthroll分别保存俯仰、方位角和滚动值。前面名称中添加了Lock的变量是这些变量的同步块的锁对象。zoomLevel是目前的变焦水平。currentLocation存储当前位置,默认设置为hardFix。最后,rotationMatrix存储旋转矩阵。

现在让我们看看这个类的各种 getter 和 setter 方法:

清单 9-75。ARData 的获取器和设置器

public static void setZoomLevel(String zoomLevel) { `if (zoomLevel==null) throw new NullPointerException();

synchronized (ARData.zoomLevel) { ARData.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; } }

public static void setZoomProgress(int zoomProgress) { synchronized (ARData.zoomProgressLock) { if (ARData.zoomProgress != zoomProgress) { ARData.zoomProgress = zoomProgress; if (dirty.compareAndSet(false, true)) { Log.v(TAG, "Setting DIRTY flag!"); cache.clear(); } } } }

public static void setRadius(float radius) { synchronized (ARData.radiusLock) { ARData.radius = radius; } }

public static float getRadius() { synchronized (ARData.radiusLock) { return ARData.radius; } }

public static void setCurrentLocation(Location currentLocation) { if (currentLocation==null) throw new NullPointerException();

Log.d(TAG, "current location. location="+currentLocation.toString()); synchronized (currentLocation) { ARData.currentLocation = currentLocation; } onLocationChanged(currentLocation); }

public static Location getCurrentLocation() { synchronized (ARData.currentLocation) { return ARData.currentLocation; } }

public static void setRotationMatrix(Matrix rotationMatrix) { synchronized (ARData.rotationMatrix) { ARData.rotationMatrix = rotationMatrix;} }

public static Matrix getRotationMatrix() { synchronized (ARData.rotationMatrix) { return rotationMatrix; } }

public static List getMarkers() { if (dirty.compareAndSet(true, false)) { Log.v(TAG, "DIRTY flag found, resetting all marker heights to zero."); for(Marker ma : markerList.values()) { ma.getLocation().get(locationArray); locationArray[1]=ma.getInitialY(); ma.getLocation().set(locationArray); }

Log.v(TAG, "Populating the cache."); List copy = new ArrayList(); copy.addAll(markerList.values()); Collections.sort(copy,comparator); cache.clear(); cache.addAll(copy); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(cache); }

public static void setAzimuth(float azimuth) { synchronized (azimuthLock) { ARData.azimuth = azimuth; } }

public static float getAzimuth() { synchronized (azimuthLock) { return ARData.azimuth; } }

public static void setPitch(float pitch) { synchronized (pitchLock) { ARData.pitch = pitch; } }

public static float getPitch() { synchronized (pitchLock) { return ARData.pitch;} }

public static void setRoll(float roll) { synchronized (rollLock) { ARData.roll = roll; } }

public static float getRoll() { synchronized (rollLock) { return ARData.roll; } }`


清单 9-76。 addMarkers()、comparator 和 onLocationChanged()

`private static final Comparator comparator = new Comparator() { public int compare(Marker arg0, Marker arg1) { return Double.compare(arg0.getDistance(),arg1.getDistance()); } };

public static void addMarkers(Collection markers) { if (markers==null) throw new NullPointerException();

if (markers.size()<=0) return;

Log.d(TAG, "New markers, updating markers. new markers="+markers.toString()); for(Marker marker : markers) { if (!markerList.containsKey(marker.getName())) { marker.calcRelativePosition(ARData.getCurrentLocation()); markerList.put(marker.getName(),marker); } }

if (dirty.compareAndSet(false, true)) { Log.v(TAG, "Setting DIRTY flag!"); cache.clear(); } }

private static void onLocationChanged(Location location) {Log.d(TAG, "New location, updating markers. location="+location.toString()); for(Marker ma: markerList.values()) { ma.calcRelativePosition(location); }

if (dirty.compareAndSet(false, true)) { Log.v(TAG, "Setting DIRTY flag!"); cache.clear(); } } }`



最后,我们必须创建如下的 Android 清单:

清单 9-77。 AndroidManifest.xml

`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name"








图 9.49.5 显示了运行中的应用。调试已被禁用。


图 9-4。 显示标记的应用


图 9-5。 由于指南针在一个金属物体旁边失控,几个标记汇聚在一起。


本章讲述了创建 ar 浏览器的过程并提供了代码,这是最流行的 AR 应用之一。随着 Google Goggles 的出现,它将在那些想使用类似 Goggles 的东西而不需要实际拥有一套的人中间变得更受欢迎。请务必从这本书的页面或 GitHub 库下载本章的源代码。您可以直接通过raghavsood@appaholics.in联系我,或者通过 Twitter 的@Appaholics16联系我。*