Java 中锁框架 vs 线程同步

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/lock-framework-vs-thread-synchronization-in-Java/

使用 java.util.concurrent 包中存在的 Lock 框架可以实现线程同步机制。锁框架像同步块一样工作,只是锁可能比 Java 的同步块更复杂。锁允许更灵活地构造同步代码。Java 5 引入了这种新方法来解决下面提到的同步问题。

让我们看看一个 Vector 类,它有很多同步的方法。当一个类中有 100 个同步方法时,在任何给定的时间点,这 100 个方法中只能有一个线程被执行。在使用同步块的任何给定时间点,只允许一个线程访问一个方法。这是一个非常昂贵的手术。锁通过允许为不同目的配置不同的锁来避免这种情况。一个锁下可以有几个同步的方法,另一个锁下可以有几个同步的方法。这允许更多的并发性,也提高了整体性能。


Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();

// Critical section

锁通过 lock()方法获取,通过 unlock()方法释放。调用不带锁()的 unlock()将引发异常。如前所述,锁接口存在于 Java . util . concurrent . Lock 包中,可重入锁实现锁接口。

注意:lock()调用的次数应始终等于 unlock()调用的次数。

在下面的代码中,用户创建了一个名为“TestResource”的资源,它有两个方法和两个不同的锁。有两个名为“显示作业”和“读取作业”的作业。LockTest 类创建 5 个线程来完成“显示作业”,创建 5 个线程来完成“读取作业”。所有 10 个线程共享一个资源“测试资源”。

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

// Test class to test the lock example
// 5 threads are created with DisplayJob
// and 5 thread are created with ReadJob.
// Both these jobs use single TestResource named "test".
public class LockTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
        TestResource test = new TestResource();
        Thread thread[] = new Thread[10];
          for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             thread[i] = new Thread(new DisplayJob(test),
             "Thread " + i);
          for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++)
             thread[i] = new Thread(new ReadJob(test),
             "Thread " + i);
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

// DisplayJob class implementing Runnable interface.
// This uses TestResource object passed in the constructor.
// run method invokes displayRecord method on TestResource.
class DisplayJob implements Runnable

    private TestResource test;
    DisplayJob(TestResource tr)
        test = tr;
    public void run()
        System.out.println("display job");
        test.displayRecord(new Object());
// ReadJob class implementing Runnable interface.
// which uses TestResource object passed in the constructor.
// run method invokes readRecord method on TestResource.
class ReadJob implements Runnable

    private TestResource test;

    ReadJob(TestResource tr)
        test = tr;
    public void run()
        System.out.println("read job");
        test.readRecord(new Object());
// Class which has two locks and two methods.

class TestResource

    // displayQueueLock is created to make
    // displayQueueLock thread safe.
    // When T1 acquires lock on testresource(o1)
    // object displayRecord method
    // T2 has to wait for lock to be released
    // by T1 on testresource(o1) object
    // displayRecord method.  But T3, can execute 
    // readRecord method with out waiting for lock
    // to be released by t1 as
    // readRecord method uses readQueueLock not
    // displayQueueLock.
    private final Lock
    displayQueueLock = new ReentrantLock();
    private final Lock
    readQueueLock = new ReentrantLock();

    // displayRecord uses displayQueueLock to
    // achieve thread safety.
    public void displayRecord(Object document)
        final Lock displayLock = this.displayQueueLock;
             Long duration =
                         (long) (Math.random() * 10000);
             getName() + ": TestResource: display a Job"+
             " during " + (duration / 1000) + " seconds ::"+
             " Time - " + new Date());
          catch (InterruptedException e)
             System.out.printf("%s: The document has been"+
             " dispalyed\n", Thread.currentThread().getName());

    // readRecord uses readQueueLock to achieve thread safety.   
    public void readRecord(Object document)
        final Lock readQueueLock = this.readQueueLock;
             Long duration =
                       (long) (Math.random() * 10000);
             + ": TestResource: reading a Job during " +
             (duration / 1000) + " seconds :: Time - " +
             new Date());
          catch (InterruptedException e)
             System.out.printf("%s: The document has"+
             " been read\n", Thread.currentThread().getName());


显示作业 显示作业 显示作业 显示作业 显示作业 读取作业 读取作业 读取作业 读取作业 读取作业 线程 5:测试资源:在 4 秒内读取作业::时间–世界协调时 2019 年 2 月 27 日星期三 15:49:53 线程 0:测试资源:在 6 秒内显示作业::时间–世界协调时 2019 年 2 月 27 日星期三 15:49:53



| parameter | Lock frame | synchronize | | --- | --- | --- | | Cross-method | Yes, Locks can be implemented across methods. You can call lock () in method1 and unlock () in method2. | impossible | | Attempt to acquire lock | Yes, the trylock(timeout) method is supported by the lock framework. If the resource is available, it will acquire the lock of the resource; otherwise, it will return false and the Thread will not be blocked. | Impossible synchronization | | Fair lock management | Yes, in the case of lock framework, fair lock management is available. It gives the lock to the long-awaited thread. Even in the fair mode set to true, if trylock is encoded, it will be served first. | Impossible to synchronize with | | Waiting thread list | Yes, you can use the Lock framework. | See the list of waiting threads [impossible to synchronize with | | Release the lock in an exception |
Lock.lock(); myMethod();Lock.unlock();
解锁()如果从 myMethod()中抛出任何异常,则无法在此代码中执行。 | Synchronized works very clearly in this situation. It releases the lock. |