二、使用 Robotium 创建测试项目

本章将指导您使用机器人框架为安卓创建第一个测试项目。首先,让我们实现一个简单的计算器安卓应用。然后,使用这个【测试中的 T1】应用 ( AUT ,我们将研究创建机器人测试项目的过程。



  • 添加
  • 减法

这些操作可通过微调控制进行选择。Spinner 类似于其他编码语言(如 HTML 和 C#)中的组合框。出现获取结果按钮,在底部对齐的文本视图中获取操作结果。

下面的截图显示了 ZCalculator 应用:

Creating the AUT


  1. Create an Android Application Project by navigating to File | New | Android Application Project in Eclipse IDE.

    Creating the AUT

  2. Enter the application details, as in the following screenshot, and click on the Next button:

    Creating the AUT

  3. Keep the default options, as they are in the following screenshot, and click on the Next button:

    Creating the AUT

  4. For this Android application project, we will configure the launcher icon with the default value set, as in the following screenshot, and click on the Next button:

    Creating the AUT

  5. Check the Create Activity checkbox if it is not checked and select Blank Activity, as in the following screenshot, to create a default blank activity class in the project:

    Creating the AUT

  6. Enter Main in the Activity Name field, as in the following screenshot, and click on the Finish button to create the Android application project:

    Creating the AUT

你的安卓项目现在设置好了。您可以参考 ZCalculator 项目代码库,如下所示:

  1. 在你的Main.java文件中使用以下代码:

    ```java package com.zcalculator;

    import com.calculator.R;

    import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.TextView;

    public class Main extends Activity { Spinner operationSpinner; TextView result; Button getResult;

    private enum OperationType { Addition, Subtraction }

    @Override public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.setContentView(R.layout.main);

    final EditText txtfirstNumber = (EditText) this.findViewById(R.id.txtFirstNumber);
    final EditText txtsecondNumber = (EditText) this.findViewById(R.id.txtSecondNumber);
    this.result = (TextView) this.findViewById(R.id.resultText);
    this.getResult = (Button) this.findViewById(R.id.btnGetResult);
    this.operationSpinner = (Spinner) this.findViewById(R.id.operationSpinner);
    // Adding listener to get result button
    this.getResult.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(final View v) {
        OperationType operationType = OperationType.valueOf(Main.this.operationSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString());
        final float num1 = Float.parseFloat(txtfirstNumber.getText().toString());
        final float num2 = Float.parseFloat(txtsecondNumber.getText().toString());
    // Getting first & second values and passing to show result
        Main.this.showResult(num1,num2 ,operationType);


    // Showing operation results protected void showResult(final float firstNumber, final float secondNumber, final OperationType type) {

    float resultVal = 0;
    if (type.equals(OperationType.Addition)) {
      resultVal = firstNumber + secondNumber;
    } else if (type.equals(OperationType.Subtraction)) {
      resultVal = firstNumber - secondNumber;
    String operationResult = String.valueOf(resultVal);

    } } ```

  2. main.xml 布局文件中使用以下代码:

    ```java <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <Spinnerandroid:id="@+id/operationSpinner" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:entries="@array/spinnerItems"/>

    <Buttonandroid:text="@string/btnResultString" android:id="@+id/btnGetResult" android:layout_width=" match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>

    <TextViewandroid:id="@+id/resultText" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>


  3. 用以下条目更新文件:

    java <string name="hello">Enter any two numbers and select operation and get the result</string> <string name="app_name">ZCalculator</string> <string name="txtFirstNumber">First Number</string> <string name="txtSecondNumber">Second Number</string> <string name="btnResultString">Get Result</string>

  4. 用以下条目更新array.xml文件:

    java <string-array name="spinnerItems"> <item>Addition</item> <item>Subtraction</item> </string-array>

  5. 另外,用以下活动动作和启动器条目更新AndroidManifest.xml文件:




让我们继续并创建一个测试项目来测试 ZCalculator 应用。

在 Eclipse 中,转到新建,从选择向导中,选择安卓测试项目。输入合适的项目名称,点击下一步按钮。建议测试项目名称遵循命名约定,如“测试+自动测试名称”这就是为什么这个测试应用被命名为TestZCalculator,如下图截图所示:

Creating a test project

然后,选择 AUT 或目标项目(在我们的例子中是 ZCalculator),如下图所示,点击完成按钮:

Creating a test project

选择一个构建目标,如下图截图所示,(SDK 转目标)点击完成按钮:

Creating a test project

您的测试项目已成功创建。让我们创建一个测试用例类来测试 ZCalculator 的主类。



  1. To create a test case, right-click on the com.calculator.test package in the Package Explorer window and navigate to New | JUnit Test Case, as shown in the following screenshot. If this package is not present, create it under the src branch:

    Creating a test case

  2. On the New JUnit Test Case window, most of the fields are already filled. Just assign the name of the test case as MainTest, as we are going to test the Main class in ZCalculator. Keep the setUp(), tearDown(), and the constructor option checkboxes checked in the method stubs section and click on the Finish button.


    java Call @Before setUp Call @Test method test1 Call @After tearDown Call @Before setUp Call @Test method test2 Call @After tearDown

    Creating a test case

  3. Once it is completed, a test case MainTest.java will be created under the com.calculator.test package, as shown in the following screenshot. Also, the three stub methods will be generated automatically in the MainTest class:

    Creating a test case


所有版本的 Robotium JAR 文件都可以从https://code.google.com/p/robotium/downloads/list下载。


  1. You need to add the Robotium JAR as a reference library to the test project. To reference this, right-click on your project and navigate to Build Path | Configure Build Path, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Adding the Robotium library

  2. In the Java Build Path panel, go to the Libraries tab and click on the Add External JARs… button, as shown in the following screenshot. Then, provide a correct Robotium library (preferably the latest version) and add it to the list. The alternative way to achieve this is to copy the JAR file to the lib directory of the test:

    Adding the Robotium library

  3. It is mostly observed in the latest SDK versions (mostly API 17 and above) that the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.jayway.android.robotium.solo.Solo error occurs when the Robotium JAR file is not exported. So, to export it, go to the Order and Export tab in the Java Build Path section and check the Robotium JAR file in the list, as shown in the following screenshot, and click on the OK button:


    Adding the Robotium library

在 AndroidManifest.xml 中添加包名


<instrumentation android:targetPackage="com.calculator" android:name="android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" />


Adding the package name in AndroidManifest.xml

Robotium 的测试用例代码

在进入实际代码之前,有一些 Robotium 框架的类和方法你应该很熟悉。

Solo是用于测试的 Robotium 类。它是用测试用例和第一个要测试的活动来初始化的。这在setUp()方法中执行。Solo类为应用编程接口提供了对安卓用户界面组件的简单调用,例如,enterText()应用编程接口将文本放在编辑文本视图中。我们将在下一节中看到大多数这样的 API。

JUnit 中的测试用例方法名称应该总是以单词“test”开头。由于 Robotium 是建立在 JUnit 上的,所以我们有了测试用例的testZCalculatorBlackBox()方法。您可以在一个测试用例类中添加任意数量的测试用例方法。

在下面的测试案例中,我们将访问 ZCalculator 的 UI 组件,并按顺序执行以下操作:

  1. 进入编辑文本字段进行输入(第一个和第二个数字)。
  2. 输入任何值。
  3. 访问并点击微调器选择操作。
  4. 访问并点击获取结果按钮。


package com.zcalculator.test;

import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;
import com.jayway.android.robotium.solo.Solo;
import com.zcalculator.Main;

public class MainTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<Main> {
  private Solo  solo;

  public MainTest() {

  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    this.solo = new Solo(this.getInstrumentation(), this.getActivity());

  public void testZCalculatorBlackBox() {

    // Enter 5 in first number field
    this.solo.enterText(0, "5");

    // Enter 4 in second number field
    this.solo.enterText(1, "4");

    // Press Addition Spinner Item
    this.solo.pressSpinnerItem(0, 0);

    // Click on get result button

    // Verify that resultant of 5 + 4

    // Press Subtraction Spinner Item
    this.solo.pressSpinnerItem(0, 1);

    // Click on get result button

    // Verify that resultant of 5 - 4
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {


我们现在已经完成了为 ZCalculator 创建一个带有有效测试用例的测试项目。是时候运行我们的测试用例了。

右键点击测试项目或测试用例文件MainTest.java,选择运行为安卓 JUnit 测试。从选择设备屏幕中选择安卓仿真器

如果你想运行一个特定的测试用例,右击文件,然后选择作为安卓 JUnit 测试运行。要运行测试项目中所有可用的测试用例,右键单击项目本身,选择作为安卓 JUnit 测试运行,它将运行所有的测试用例。

Robotium 的 ZCalculator 测试用例将如下工作:

  1. 将加载 ZCalculator 应用。
  2. 第一个和第二个数字将自动输入到第一个和第二个编辑文本字段,然后点击微调器选择操作(首先需要加法)。
  3. 点击获取结果按钮,结果将显示在结果文本视图中。
  4. The assert statement will check for the valid operation result. This process will continue for Subtraction and if every assert is true, the test case is passed, indicated by a green bar in the JUnit tab, as depicted in the following screenshot:

    Running the test case


adb shell am instrument-w com.calculator.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner


可以在安卓 SDK 里面的platform-tools文件夹里找到adb


在本章中,我们已经看到了如何使用机器人框架创建测试项目。到目前为止,您已经学习了使用 Robotium 创建简单测试应用所需的基本流程。是时候深入研究框架,了解不同的机器人应用编程接口调用及其用法了。在下一章中,将向您介绍Solo类以及其中存在的关于 API 的信息。