Java 中的 Collections indexOfSubList()方法,带示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/collections-indexofpublist-method-in-Java-with-examples/

java.util.Collections 类的indexofpublist()方法用于返回指定目标列表在指定源列表中第一次出现的起始位置,如果没有则返回-1。更正式地说,返回最低的索引 I,例如 source.subList(i,i+target.size())。等于(目标),如果没有这样的索引,则为-1。(如果 target.size() > source.size()则返回-1。)



public static int indexOfSubList(List source, List target)


  • 来源–要在其中搜索第一个目标的列表。
  • target – the list to search for as a subList of source.



    例 1:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // indexOfSubList() method // for String value

    import java.util.*;

    public class GFG1 {     public static void main(String[] argv)         throws Exception     {         try {

    // creating object of List             List arrlistsrc = new ArrayList();             List arrlisttarget = new ArrayList();

    // Adding element to arrlistsrc             arrlistsrc.add("A");             arrlistsrc.add("B");             arrlistsrc.add("C");             arrlistsrc.add("D");             arrlistsrc.add("E");

    // Adding element to arrlisttarget             arrlisttarget.add("C");             arrlisttarget.add("D");             arrlisttarget.add("E");

    // print the source list             System.out.println("Source list: " + arrlistsrc);

    // print the target list             System.out.println("Target list: " + arrlisttarget);

    // check target list in source list             int index = Collections                             .indexOfSubList(arrlistsrc,                                             arrlisttarget);

    // print the index             System.out.println("Target list starts at index: "                                + index);         }

    catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {             System.out.println("Exception thrown : " + e);         }     } } ```


    ```java Source list: [A, B, C, D, E] Target list: [C, D, E] Target list starts at index: 2


    例 2:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // indexOfSubList() method // for Integer value

    import java.util.*;

    public class GFG1 {     public static void main(String[] argv)         throws Exception     {         try {

    // creating object of List             List arrlistsrc = new ArrayList();             List arrlisttarget = new ArrayList();

    // Adding element to arrlistsrc             arrlistsrc.add(20);             arrlistsrc.add(30);             arrlistsrc.add(40);             arrlistsrc.add(50);             arrlistsrc.add(60);

    // Adding element to arrlisttarget             arrlisttarget.add(40);             arrlisttarget.add(50);

    // print the source list             System.out.println("Source list: " + arrlistsrc);

    // print the target list             System.out.println("Target list: " + arrlisttarget);

    // check target list in source list             int index = Collections                             .indexOfSubList(arrlistsrc,                                             arrlisttarget);

    // print the index             System.out.println("Target list starts at index: "                                + index);         }

    catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {             System.out.println("Exception thrown : " + e);         }     } } ```


    ```java Source list: [20, 30, 40, 50, 60] Target list: [40, 50] Target list starts at index: 2
