
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/priority-queue-use-binary-heap/


  1. 每个项目都有一个相关的优先级。
  2. 优先级高的元素在优先级低的元素之前出队。
  3. 如果两个元素具有相同的优先级,则根据它们在队列中的顺序提供服务。


  1. 完全树。二进制堆的这个属性使得它们适合存储在数组中。
  2. 二进制堆要么是最小堆要么是最大堆
  3. 最小二进制堆中,根的键必须是二进制堆中所有键中最小的。相同的属性必须递归地适用于二叉树中的所有节点。
  4. 类似地,在最大二进制堆中,根的键必须是二进制堆中所有键中最大的。对于二叉树中的所有节点,相同的属性必须递归为真。


  • 插入(p): 插入具有优先级的新元素 p
  • extractMax(): 提取具有最大优先级的元素。
  • 移除(i): 移除迭代器 I 指向的元素。
  • getMax(): 返回优先级最高的元素。
  • 更改优先级(I,p):i 指向的元素的优先级更改为 p


  • 假设下面是遵循二进制最大堆所有属性的给定二进制堆。

  • 现在需要在上面的堆中插入一个值为 32 的节点:要插入一个元素,将新元素附加到任何叶子上。例如一个优先级为 32 的节点可以添加到节点 11 的叶子中。但是这违反了堆属性。要维护堆属性,上移新节点 32

  • 【上移操作】在正确的位置获取 32 的节点: 将放置不正确的节点与其父节点交换,直到满足堆属性。例如:由于节点 11 小于节点 32 所以,交换节点 11 和节点 32 。然后,交换节点 14 和节点 32 。最后,交换节点 31 和节点 32

  • ExtractMax: 最大值存储在树根处。但是树根不能直接去掉。首先,用任何一片叶子替换它,然后去掉。例如:要去掉节点 45 ,先用节点 11 替换。但是这违反了堆属性,所以下移被替换的节点。为此,请使用降档操作。

  • 【shift down】操作: 用一个更大的子节点交换错误放置的节点,直到满足堆属性。例如:节点 11 与节点 32 交换,然后与节点 31 交换,最后与节点 14 交换。

  • 变更优先级: 让变更后的元素根据其优先级是降低还是升高而上下移动。例如:将节点的优先级 11 更改为 35 ,由于此更改,节点必须上移节点以维护堆属性。
  • 移除: 要移除元素,请将其优先级更改为大于当前最大值的值,然后将其上移,然后使用 extract max 提取它。使用 getMax 查找当前最大值。
  • GetMax: 最大值存储在树根处。要获取 max,只需返回树根部的值。





// C++ code to implement priority-queue
// using array implementation of
// binary heap

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int H[50];
int size = -1;

// Function to return the index of the
// parent node of a given node
int parent(int i)

    return (i - 1) / 2;

// Function to return the index of the
// left child of the given node
int leftChild(int i)

    return ((2 * i) + 1);

// Function to return the index of the
// right child of the given node
int rightChild(int i)

    return ((2 * i) + 2);

// Function to shift up the node in order
// to maintain the heap property
void shiftUp(int i)
    while (i > 0 && H[parent(i)] < H[i]) {

        // Swap parent and current node
        swap(H[parent(i)], H[i]);

        // Update i to parent of i
        i = parent(i);

// Function to shift down the node in
// order to maintain the heap property
void shiftDown(int i)
    int maxIndex = i;

    // Left Child
    int l = leftChild(i);

    if (l <= size && H[l] > H[maxIndex]) {
        maxIndex = l;

    // Right Child
    int r = rightChild(i);

    if (r <= size && H[r] > H[maxIndex]) {
        maxIndex = r;

    // If i not same as maxIndex
    if (i != maxIndex) {
        swap(H[i], H[maxIndex]);

// Function to insert a new element
// in the Binary Heap
void insert(int p)
    size = size + 1;
    H[size] = p;

    // Shift Up to maintain heap property

// Function to extract the element with
// maximum priority
int extractMax()
    int result = H[0];

    // Replace the value at the root
    // with the last leaf
    H[0] = H[size];
    size = size - 1;

    // Shift down the replaced element
    // to maintain the heap property
    return result;

// Function to change the priority
// of an element
void changePriority(int i, int p)
    int oldp = H[i];
    H[i] = p;

    if (p > oldp) {
    else {

// Function to get value of the current
// maximum element
int getMax()

    return H[0];

// Function to remove the element
// located at given index
void remove(int i)
    H[i] = getMax() + 1;

    // Shift the node to the root
    // of the heap

    // Extract the node

// Driver Code
int main()

    /*         45
            /      \
           31      14
          /  \    /  \
         13  20  7   11
        /  \
       12   7
    Create a priority queue shown in
    example in a binary max heap form.
    Queue will be represented in the
    form of array as:
    45 31 14 13 20 7 11 12 7 */

    // Insert the element to the
    // priority queue

    int i = 0;

    // Priority queue before extracting max
    cout << "Priority Queue : ";
    while (i <= size) {
        cout << H[i] << " ";

    cout << "\n";

    // Node with maximum priority
    cout << "Node with maximum priority : "
         << extractMax() << "\n";

    // Priority queue after extracting max
    cout << "Priority queue after "
         << "extracting maximum : ";
    int j = 0;
    while (j <= size) {
        cout << H[j] << " ";

    cout << "\n";

    // Change the priority of element
    // present at index 2 to 49
    changePriority(2, 49);
    cout << "Priority queue after "
         << "priority change : ";
    int k = 0;
    while (k <= size) {
        cout << H[k] << " ";

    cout << "\n";

    // Remove element at index 3
    cout << "Priority queue after "
         << "removing the element : ";
    int l = 0;
    while (l <= size) {
        cout << H[l] << " ";
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java code to implement
// priority-queue using
// array implementation of
// binary heap
import java.util.*;
class GFG{

static int []H = new int[50];
static int size = -1;

// Function to return the index of the
// parent node of a given node
static int parent(int i)
  return (i - 1) / 2;

// Function to return the index of the
// left child of the given node
static int leftChild(int i)
  return ((2 * i) + 1);

// Function to return the index of the
// right child of the given node
static int rightChild(int i)
  return ((2 * i) + 2);

// Function to shift up the
// node in order to maintain
// the heap property
static void shiftUp(int i)
  while (i > 0 &&
         H[parent(i)] < H[i])
    // Swap parent and current node
    swap(parent(i), i);

    // Update i to parent of i
    i = parent(i);

// Function to shift down the node in
// order to maintain the heap property
static void shiftDown(int i)
  int maxIndex = i;

  // Left Child
  int l = leftChild(i);

  if (l <= size &&
      H[l] > H[maxIndex])
    maxIndex = l;

  // Right Child
  int r = rightChild(i);

  if (r <= size &&
      H[r] > H[maxIndex])
    maxIndex = r;

  // If i not same as maxIndex
  if (i != maxIndex)
    swap(i, maxIndex);

// Function to insert a
// new element in
// the Binary Heap
static void insert(int p)
  size = size + 1;
  H[size] = p;

  // Shift Up to maintain
  // heap property

// Function to extract
// the element with
// maximum priority
static int extractMax()
  int result = H[0];

  // Replace the value
  // at the root with
  // the last leaf
  H[0] = H[size];
  size = size - 1;

  // Shift down the replaced
  // element to maintain the
  // heap property
  return result;

// Function to change the priority
// of an element
static void changePriority(int i,
                           int p)
  int oldp = H[i];
  H[i] = p;

  if (p > oldp)

// Function to get value of
// the current maximum element
static int getMax()
  return H[0];

// Function to remove the element
// located at given index
static void remove(int i)
  H[i] = getMax() + 1;

  // Shift the node to the root
  // of the heap

  // Extract the node

static void swap(int i, int j)
  int temp= H[i];
  H[i] = H[j];
  H[j] = temp;

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)

  /*           45
            /        \
           31      14
          /  \    /  \
         13  20  7   11
        /  \
       12   7
    Create a priority queue shown in
    example in a binary max heap form.
    Queue will be represented in the
    form of array as:
    45 31 14 13 20 7 11 12 7 */

  // Insert the element to the
  // priority queue

  int i = 0;

  // Priority queue before extracting max
  System.out.print("Priority Queue : ");
  while (i <= size)
    System.out.print(H[i] + " ");


  // Node with maximum priority
  System.out.print("Node with maximum priority : " +
                    extractMax() + "\n");

  // Priority queue after extracting max
  System.out.print("Priority queue after " +
                   "extracting maximum : ");
  int j = 0;
  while (j <= size)
    System.out.print(H[j] + " ");


  // Change the priority of element
  // present at index 2 to 49
  changePriority(2, 49);
  System.out.print("Priority queue after " +
                   "priority change : ");
  int k = 0;
  while (k <= size)
    System.out.print(H[k] + " ");


  // Remove element at index 3
  System.out.print("Priority queue after " +
                   "removing the element : ");
  int l = 0;
  while (l <= size)
    System.out.print(H[l] + " ");

// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Python 3

# Python3 code to implement priority-queue
# using array implementation of
# binary heap

H = [0]*50
size = -1

# Function to return the index of the
# parent node of a given node
def parent(i) :

    return (i - 1) // 2

# Function to return the index of the
# left child of the given node
def leftChild(i) :

    return ((2 * i) + 1)

# Function to return the index of the
# right child of the given node
def rightChild(i) :

    return ((2 * i) + 2)

# Function to shift up the 
# node in order to maintain 
# the heap property
def shiftUp(i) :

    while (i > 0 and H[parent(i)] < H[i]) :

        # Swap parent and current node
        swap(parent(i), i)

        # Update i to parent of i
        i = parent(i)

# Function to shift down the node in
# order to maintain the heap property
def shiftDown(i) :

    maxIndex = i

    # Left Child
    l = leftChild(i)

    if (l <= size and H[l] > H[maxIndex]) :

        maxIndex = l

    # Right Child
    r = rightChild(i)

    if (r <= size and H[r] > H[maxIndex]) :

        maxIndex = r

    # If i not same as maxIndex
    if (i != maxIndex) :

        swap(i, maxIndex)

# Function to insert a 
# new element in 
# the Binary Heap
def insert(p) :

    global size
    size = size + 1
    H[size] = p

    # Shift Up to maintain 
    # heap property

# Function to extract 
# the element with
# maximum priority
def extractMax() :

    global size
    result = H[0]

    # Replace the value 
    # at the root with 
    # the last leaf
    H[0] = H[size]
    size = size - 1

    # Shift down the replaced 
    # element to maintain the 
    # heap property
    return result

# Function to change the priority
# of an element
def changePriority(i,p) :

    oldp = H[i]
    H[i] = p

    if (p > oldp) :


    else :


# Function to get value of 
# the current maximum element
def getMax() :

    return H[0]

# Function to remove the element
# located at given index
def Remove(i) :

    H[i] = getMax() + 1

    # Shift the node to the root
    # of the heap

    # Extract the node

def swap(i, j) :

    temp = H[i]
    H[i] = H[j]
    H[j] = temp

# Insert the element to the
# priority queue

i = 0

# Priority queue before extracting max
print("Priority Queue : ", end = "")
while (i <= size) :

    print(H[i], end = " ")
    i += 1


# Node with maximum priority
print("Node with maximum priority :" ,  extractMax())

# Priority queue after extracting max
print("Priority queue after extracting maximum : ", end = "")
j = 0
while (j <= size) :

    print(H[j], end = " ")
    j += 1


# Change the priority of element
# present at index 2 to 49
changePriority(2, 49)
print("Priority queue after priority change : ", end = "")
k = 0
while (k <= size) :

    print(H[k], end = " ")
    k += 1


# Remove element at index 3
print("Priority queue after removing the element : ", end = "")
l = 0
while (l <= size) :

    print(H[l], end = " ")
    l += 1

    # This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.


// C# code to implement priority-queue
// using array implementation of
// binary heap
using System;

class GFG{

static int []H = new int[50];
static int size = -1;

// Function to return the index of the
// parent node of a given node
static int parent(int i)
    return (i - 1) / 2;

// Function to return the index of the
// left child of the given node
static int leftChild(int i)
    return ((2 * i) + 1);

// Function to return the index of the
// right child of the given node
static int rightChild(int i)
    return ((2 * i) + 2);

// Function to shift up the
// node in order to maintain
// the heap property
static void shiftUp(int i)
    while (i > 0 &&
           H[parent(i)] < H[i])

        // Swap parent and current node
        swap(parent(i), i);

        // Update i to parent of i
        i = parent(i);

// Function to shift down the node in
// order to maintain the heap property
static void shiftDown(int i)
    int maxIndex = i;

    // Left Child
    int l = leftChild(i);

    if (l <= size &&
        H[l] > H[maxIndex])
        maxIndex = l;

    // Right Child
    int r = rightChild(i);

    if (r <= size &&
        H[r] > H[maxIndex])
        maxIndex = r;

    // If i not same as maxIndex
    if (i != maxIndex)
        swap(i, maxIndex);

// Function to insert a
// new element in
// the Binary Heap
static void insert(int p)
    size = size + 1;
    H[size] = p;

    // Shift Up to maintain
    // heap property

// Function to extract
// the element with
// maximum priority
static int extractMax()
    int result = H[0];

    // Replace the value
    // at the root with
    // the last leaf
    H[0] = H[size];
    size = size - 1;

    // Shift down the replaced
    // element to maintain the
    // heap property
    return result;

// Function to change the priority
// of an element
static void changePriority(int i,
                           int p)
    int oldp = H[i];
    H[i] = p;

    if (p > oldp)

// Function to get value of
// the current maximum element
static int getMax()
    return H[0];

// Function to remove the element
// located at given index
static void Remove(int i)
    H[i] = getMax() + 1;

    // Shift the node to the root
    // of the heap

    // Extract the node

static void swap(int i, int j)
    int temp = H[i];
    H[i] = H[j];
    H[j] = temp;

// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)

/*              45
            /     \
           31      14
          / \     / \
        13  20   7   11
       / \
      12  7
    Create a priority queue shown in
    example in a binary max heap form.
    Queue will be represented in the
    form of array as:
    45 31 14 13 20 7 11 12 7 */

    // Insert the element to the
    // priority queue

    int i = 0;

    // Priority queue before extracting max
    Console.Write("Priority Queue : ");
    while (i <= size)
        Console.Write(H[i] + " ");


    // Node with maximum priority
    Console.Write("Node with maximum priority : " +
                   extractMax() + "\n");

    // Priority queue after extracting max
    Console.Write("Priority queue after " +
                  "extracting maximum : ");
    int j = 0;
    while (j <= size)
        Console.Write(H[j] + " ");


    // Change the priority of element
    // present at index 2 to 49
    changePriority(2, 49);
    Console.Write("Priority queue after " +
                  "priority change : ");
    int k = 0;
    while (k <= size)
        Console.Write(H[k] + " ");


    // Remove element at index 3
    Console.Write("Priority queue after " +
                  "removing the element : ");
    int l = 0;
    while (l <= size)
        Console.Write(H[l] + " ");

// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

java 描述语言


// Javascript code to implement priority-queue
// using array implementation of
// binary heap

var H = Array(50).fill(0);
var size = -1;

// Function to return the index of the
// parent node of a given node
function parent(i)

    return parseInt((i - 1) / 2);

// Function to return the index of the
// left child of the given node
function leftChild(i)

    return parseInt((2 * i) + 1);

// Function to return the index of the
// right child of the given node
function rightChild(i)

    return parseInt((2 * i) + 2);

// Function to shift up the node in order
// to maintain the heap property
function shiftUp( i)
    while (i > 0 && H[parent(i)] < H[i]) {

        // Swap parent and current node
        swap(parent(i), i);

        // Update i to parent of i
        i = parent(i);

function swap(i, j)
    var temp = H[i];
    H[i] = H[j];
    H[j] = temp;

// Function to shift down the node in
// order to maintain the heap property
function shiftDown( i)
    var maxIndex = i;

    // Left Child
    var l = leftChild(i);

    if (l <= size && H[l] > H[maxIndex]) {
        maxIndex = l;

    // Right Child
    var r = rightChild(i);

    if (r <= size && H[r] > H[maxIndex]) {
        maxIndex = r;

    // If i not same as maxIndex
    if (i != maxIndex) {
        swap(i, maxIndex);

// Function to insert a new element
// in the Binary Heap
function insert( p)
    size = size + 1;
    H[size] = p;

    // Shift Up to maintain heap property

// Function to extract the element with
// maximum priority
function extractMax()
    var result = H[0];

    // Replace the value at the root
    // with the last leaf
    H[0] = H[size];
    size = size - 1;

    // Shift down the replaced element
    // to maintain the heap property
    return result;

// Function to change the priority
// of an element
function changePriority(i, p)
    var oldp = H[i];
    H[i] = p;

    if (p > oldp) {
    else {

// Function to get value of the current
// maximum element
function getMax()

    return H[0];

// Function to remove the element
// located at given index
function remove(i)
    H[i] = getMax() + 1;

    // Shift the node to the root
    // of the heap

    // Extract the node

// Driver Code
/*         45
        /      \
       31      14
      /  \    /  \
     13  20  7   11
    /  \
   12   7
Create a priority queue shown in
example in a binary max heap form.
Queue will be represented in the
form of array as:
45 31 14 13 20 7 11 12 7 */
// Insert the element to the
// priority queue
var i = 0;
// Priority queue before extracting max
document.write( "Priority Queue : ");
while (i <= size) {
    document.write( H[i] + " ");
document.write( "<br>");
// Node with maximum priority
document.write( "Node with maximum priority : "
     + extractMax() + "<br>");
// Priority queue after extracting max
document.write( "Priority queue after "
     + "extracting maximum : ");
var j = 0;
while (j <= size) {
    document.write( H[j] + " ");
document.write( "<br>");

// Change the priority of element
// present at index 2 to 49
changePriority(2, 49);
document.write( "Priority queue after "
     + "priority change : ");
var k = 0;
while (k <= size) {
    document.write( H[k] + " ");
document.write( "<br>");

// Remove element at index 3
document.write( "Priority queue after "
     + "removing the element : ");
var l = 0;
while (l <= size) {
    document.write( H[l] + " ");

// This code is contributed by noob2000.


Priority Queue : 45 31 14 13 20 7 11 12 7 
Node with maximum priority : 45 
Priority queue after extracting maximum : 31 20 14 13 7 7 11 12 
Priority queue after priority change : 49 20 31 13 7 7 11 12 
Priority queue after removing the element : 49 20 31 12 7 7 11

时间复杂度:除了时间复杂度为 O(1)的 GetMax()外,所有操作的时间复杂度均为 O(log N)辅助空间: O(N)