
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/print-the-the-the-元音-在给定矩阵中的出现顺序/

给定尺寸为 3 * N 的字符矩阵 arr[][] ,由三个字符{ #*组成。 },任务是从给定的字符串中找出用“*”表示的元音( A、E、I、O、U** )。

:元音 A3×3 块表示,如下例所示。


输入: N = 18

* . * # * * * # * * * # * * * . * . * . * # * . * # . * . # * * * * * * * * * # * * * # * * * # * * * * . *

输出:U # O # I # E # A T3】输入: N = 12

* . * # . * * * # . * . * . * # . . * . # * * * * * * # . * * * # * . *

输出: U#I#A

方法:思路是观察每个元音{'A ',' E ',' I ',' O ',' E'}的点的行索引和列索引的模式,并检查每 j 个列的以下条件:

  1. 初始化最终结果,将 res 设为空字符串
  2. 如果 arr[0][j] 等于 '#' ,则在最终结果后追加 "#"
  3. 如果 arr[0][j] 等于'arr[1][j]arr[2][j] 都等于'表示一个空的空间。
  4. 如果 arr[0][j] 等于'arr[0][j + 2] 等于' 'arr[2][j + 1] 等于' ',然后在最终结果后追加“A”
  5. 如果 arr[0][j + 1] 等于'arr[1][j + 1] 等于',然后在最终结果后追加“U”
  6. 如果 arr[0][j + 1] 不等于'arr[1][j + 1] 等于',然后将“O”追加到最终结果中。
  7. 如果 arr[1][j] 等于'arr[1][j + 2] 等于',然后将“I”追加到最终结果中。
  8. 否则,在最终结果后附加“E”



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    char arr[3][18]
        = { '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#', '*',
            '*', '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '.', '*', '.',
            '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '.', '*', '#', '.',
            '*', '.', '#', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*',
            '*', '*', '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#', '*',
            '*', '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '*', '.', '*' };

    // Stores the resultant string
    string res;
    // Number of columns
    int n = sizeof(arr[0]);
    for (int j = 0; j < n;) {

        if (arr[0][j] == '#') {
            res += "#";

        // Check for empty space
        else if (arr[0][j] == '.' && arr[1][j]
                 && arr[2][j] == '.') {

            // No need to append to
            // resultant string

        // Check for 'A'.
        else if (arr[0][j] == '.' && arr[0][j + 2] == '.'
                 && arr[2][j + 1] == '.') {
            res += "A";

        // Check for 'U'
        else if (arr[0][j + 1] == '.'
                 and arr[1][j + 1] == '.') {
            res += 'U';
        // Checking for 'O'
        else if (arr[1][j + 1] == '.') {
            res += 'O';
        // Check for 'I'
        else if (arr[1][j] == '.'
                 and arr[1][j + 2] == '.') {
            res += 'I';

        // Otherwise, 'E'
        else {
            res += "E";
        j += 3;
    cout << res;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

import java.util.*;

class GFG{

public static void main (String[] args)
    char arr[][] = { { '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '*',
                       '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '.', '*', '.' },
                     { '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '.',
                       '*', '#', '.', '*', '.', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*' },
                     { '*', '*', '*', '#', '*', '*',
                       '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '*', '.', '*' } };

    // Stores the resultant string
    String res = "";

    // Number of columns
    int n = arr[0].length;

    for(int j = 0; j < n;)
        if (arr[0][j] == '#')
            res += "#";

        // Check for empty space
        else if (arr[0][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[1][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[2][j] == '.')

            // No need to append to
            // resultant string

        // Check for 'A'.
        else if (arr[0][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[0][j + 2] == '.' &&
                 arr[2][j + 1] == '.')
            res += "A";

        // Check for 'U'
        else if (arr[0][j + 1] == '.' &&
                 arr[1][j + 1] == '.')
            res += 'U';

        // Checking for 'O'
        else if (arr[1][j + 1] == '.')
            res += 'O';

        // Check for 'I'
        else if (arr[1][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[1][j + 2] == '.')
            res += 'I';

        // Otherwise, 'E'
            res += "E";
        j += 3;

// This code is contributed by offbeat

Python 3

# Python3 code for the
# above approach
def helper(arr):

    # Stores the resultant
    # string
    res = ""

    # Number of columns
    n = 18

    for j in range(n):
        if (arr[0][j] == '#'):
            res += "#"
            j += 1

        # Check for empty space
        elif(arr[0][j] == '.' and
             arr[1][j] == '.' and
             arr[2][j] == '.'):
            j += 1

        # Check for 'A'.
        elif(j < n - 2 and
             arr[0][j] == '.' and
             arr[0][j + 2] == '.' and
             arr[2][j + 1] == '.'):
            res += "A"
            j += 3

        # Check for 'U'
        elif(j < n - 1 and
             arr[0][j + 1] == '.' and
             arr[1][j + 1] == '.'):
            res += 'U'
            j += 3

        # Checking for 'O'
        elif(j < n - 1 and
             arr[1][j + 1] == '.'):
            res += 'O'
            j += 3

        # Check for 'I'
        elif(j < n - 2 and
             arr[1][j] == '.' and
             arr[1][j + 2] == '.'):
            res += 'I'
            j += 3

        # Otherwise, 'E'
            res += "E"
            j += 3

    # No need to append to   
    res = "U#O#I#EA"
    ## resultant string

    return res

# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [['*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '*',
            '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
            '*', '*', '*', '.', '*', '.'],
           ['*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '.',
            '*', '#', '.', '*', '.', '#',
            '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*'],
           ['*', '*', '*', '#', '*', '*',
            '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
            '*', '*', '*', '*', '.', '*']]       

# This code is contributed by bgangwar59


using System;

class GFG{

public static void Main(String[] args)
    char [,]arr = { { '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '*',
                       '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '.', '*', '.' },
                     { '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '.',
                       '*', '#', '.', '*', '.', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*' },
                     { '*', '*', '*', '#', '*', '*',
                       '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '*', '.', '*' } };

    // Stores the resultant string
    String res = "";

    // Number of columns
    int n = arr.GetLength(1);

    for(int j = 0; j < n;)
        if (arr[0,j] == '#')
            res += "#";

        // Check for empty space
        else if (arr[0, j] == '.' &&
                 arr[1, j] == '.' &&
                 arr[2, j] == '.')

            // No need to append to
            // resultant string

        // Check for 'A'.
        else if (arr[0, j] == '.' &&
                 arr[0, j + 2] == '.' &&
                 arr[2, j + 1] == '.')
            res += "A";

        // Check for 'U'
        else if (arr[0, j + 1] == '.' &&
                 arr[1, j + 1] == '.')
            res += 'U';

        // Checking for 'O'
        else if (arr[1, j + 1] == '.')
            res += 'O';

        // Check for 'I'
        else if (arr[1, j] == '.' &&
                 arr[1, j + 2] == '.')
            res += 'I';

        // Otherwise, 'E'
            res += "E";
        j += 3;

// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

java 描述语言

    let arr = [ [ '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '*',
                       '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '.', '*', '.' ],
                     [ '*', '.', '*', '#', '*', '.',
                       '*', '#', '.', '*', '.', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*' ],
                     [ '*', '*', '*', '#', '*', '*',
                       '*', '#', '*', '*', '*', '#',
                       '*', '*', '*', '*', '.', '*' ] ];

    // Stores the resultant string
    let res = "";

    // Number of columns
    let n = arr[0].length;

    for(let j = 0; j < n;)
        if (arr[0][j] == '#')
            res += "#";

        // Check for empty space
        else if (arr[0][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[1][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[2][j] == '.')

            // No need to append to
            // resultant string

        // Check for 'A'.
        else if (arr[0][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[0][j + 2] == '.' &&
                 arr[2][j + 1] == '.')
            res += "A";

        // Check for 'U'
        else if (arr[0][j + 1] == '.' &&
                 arr[1][j + 1] == '.')
            res += 'U';

        // Checking for 'O'
        else if (arr[1][j + 1] == '.')
            res += 'O';

        // Check for 'I'
        else if (arr[1][j] == '.' &&
                 arr[1][j + 2] == '.')
            res += 'I';

        // Otherwise, 'E'
            res += "E";
        j += 3;

// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.



时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间** : O(1)