使用O(1)额外空间打印n x n螺旋矩阵

原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-n-x-n-spiral-matrix-using-o1-extra-space/

给定数字n,请使用O(1)空间沿顺时针方向打印n x n螺旋矩阵(从 1 到n x n的数字)。


Input: n = 5
25 24 23 22 21
10  9  8  7 20
11  2  1  6 19
12  3  4  5 18
13 14 15 16 17


如果允许额外的空间,则解决方案变得简单。 我们为n x n矩阵分配内存,并为从n * n到 1 的每个元素分配以螺旋顺序填充矩阵。 为了维持螺旋顺序,使用了四个循环,每个循环用于矩阵的顶部,右侧,底部和左侧。


一个n x n矩阵具有ceil(n / 2)个平方周期。 循环由第i行,第n - i + 1列,第n - i + 1行和第i列构成,其中i从 1 到ceil(n / 2)变化。

25 24 23 22 21 
10 9  8  7  20
11 2  1  6  19
12 3  4  5 18
13 14 15 16 17
  1. 第一个循环由其第一行,最后一列,最后一行和第一列(用红色标记)组成。 第一个循环包含从n * n(n-2) * (n-2) + 1的元素,即从 25 到 10。

  2. 第二周期由第二行,倒数第二列,倒数第二行和第二列(由蓝色标记)组成。 第二个周期由(n-2) * (n-2)(n-4) * (n-4) + 1组成,即 9 至 2。

  3. 第三循环由第三行,倒数第三列,倒数第三行和第三列(由黑色标记)组成。 第三个周期包含从(n-4) * (n-4)到 1 的元素,即仅 1。

这个想法是针对每个平方周期,我们将一个标记与其关联。 对于外部循环,标记的值为 0,对于第二循环,标记的值为 1,对于第三循环,标记的值为 2。通常,对于n x n矩阵,第i个循环的标记值为i – 1

如果将矩阵分为两部分,右上三角形(由橙色标记)和左下三角形(由绿色标记),则使用标记x,我们可以使用以下公式,轻松地计算出将在任何nxn螺旋矩阵中的索引(i, j)上出现的值:

25  24 23 22 21 
10 9  8  7  20 
11  2  1 6  19 
12  3  4 5  18 
13  14 15 16 17 
For upper right half,
mat[i][j] = (n-2*x)*(n-2*x)-(i-x)-(j-x)

For lower left half,
mat[i][j] = (n-2*x-2)*(n-2*x-2) + (i-x) + (j-x)



// C++ program to print a n x n spiral matrix 
// in clockwise direction using O(1) space 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Prints spiral matrix of size n x n containing 
// numbers from 1 to n x n 
void printSpiral(int n) 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) 
            // x stores the layer in which (i, j)th 
            // element lies 
            int x; 

            // Finds minimum of four inputs 
            x = min(min(i, j), min(n-1-i, n-1-j)); 

            // For upper right half 
            if (i <= j) 
                printf("%d\t ", (n-2*x)*(n-2*x) - (i-x) 
                    - (j-x)); 

            // for lower left half 
                printf("%d\t ", (n-2*x-2)*(n-2*x-2) + (i-x) 
                    + (j-x)); 

// Driver code 
int main() 
    int n = 5; 

    // print a n x n spiral matrix in O(1) space 

    return 0; 


// Java program to print a n x n spiral matrix 
// in clockwise direction using O(1) space 
import java.io.*; 
import java.util.*; 
class GFG { 
    // Prints spiral matrix of size n x n  
    // containing numbers from 1 to n x n 
    static void printSpiral(int n) 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { 
                // x stores the layer in which (i, j)th 
                // element lies 
                int x; 
                // Finds minimum of four inputs 
                x = Math.min(Math.min(i, j),  
                    Math.min(n - 1 - i, n - 1 - j)); 
                // For upper right half 
                if (i <= j) 
                    System.out.print((n - 2 * x) * (n - 2 * x) -  
                                     (i - x) - (j - x) + "\t"); 
                // for lower left half 
                    System.out.print((n - 2 * x - 2) * (n - 2 * x - 2) + 
                                     (i - x) + (j - x) + "\t"); 
    // Driver code 
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        int n = 5; 
        // print a n x n spiral matrix in O(1) space 
/*This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.*/


# Python3 program to print a n x n spiral matrix 
# in clockwise direction using O(1) space 
# Prints spiral matrix of size n x n  
# containing numbers from 1 to n x n 
def printSpiral(n) : 
    for i in range(0, n) : 
        for j in range(0, n) : 
            # Finds minimum of four inputs 
            x = min(min(i, j), min(n - 1 - i, n - 1 - j)) 
            # For upper right half 
            if (i <= j) : 
                print((n - 2 * x) * (n - 2 * x) -
                      (i - x)- (j - x), end = "\t") 
            # For lower left half 
            else : 
                print(((n - 2 * x - 2) *
                       (n - 2 * x - 2) +
                       (i - x) + (j - x)), end = "\t") 
# Driver code 
n = 5
# print a n x n spiral matrix 
# in O(1) space 
# This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# program to print a n x n  
// spiral matrix in clockwise 
// direction using O(1) space 
using System; 
class GFG { 
    // Prints spiral matrix of  
    // size n x n containing 
    // numbers from 1 to n x n 
    static void printSpiral(int n) 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) 
                // x stores the layer in which  
                // (i, j)th element lies 
                int x; 
                // Finds minimum of four inputs 
                x = Math.Min(Math.Min(i, j),  
                    Math.Min(n - 1 - i, n - 1 - j)); 
                // For upper right half 
                if (i <= j) 
                    Console.Write((n - 2 * x) *  
                                  (n - 2 * x) -  
                                  (i - x) - (j - x) + "\t"); 
                // for lower left half 
                    Console.Write((n - 2 * x - 2) *  
                                  (n - 2 * x - 2) +  
                                  (i - x) + (j - x) + "\t"); 
    // Driver code 
    public static void Main() 
        int n = 5; 
        // print a n x n spiral  
        // matrix in O(1) space 
// This code is contributed by KRV


// PHP program to print a n x n  
// spiral matrix in clockwise  
// direction using O(1) space 
// Prints spiral matrix of size  
// n x n containing numbers  
// from 1 to n x n 
function printSpiral($n) 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) 
        for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) 
            // x stores the layer in  
            // which (i, j)th element lies 
            // Finds minimum of four inputs 
            $x = min(min($i, $j), min($n - 1 - $i,  
                                      $n - 1 - $j)); 
            // For upper right half 
            if ($i <= $j) 
                echo "\t ", ($n - 2 * $x) *  
                            ($n - 2 * $x) -  
                            ($i - $x) - ($j - $x); 
            // for lower left half 
                echo "\t ", ($n - 2 * $x - 2) *  
                            ($n - 2 * $x - 2) +  
                            ($i - $x) + ($j - $x); 
        echo "\n"; 
// Driver code 
$n = 5; 
// print a n x n spiral 
// matrix in O(1) space 
// This code is contributed by ajit 


25     24     23     22     21     
10     9     8     7     20     
11     2     1     6     19     
12     3     4     5     18     
13     14     15     16     17


对于给定的数字n,使用O(1)空间沿逆时针方向打印n x n螺旋矩阵。