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所属分类: 综合数据 标签: 猫叫动物
来源: Moonapi
更新时间: 2024-06-08 最新数据时间: 2022.05.01 手动更新


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    卢多维科, 卢卡安德里亚; 恩塔兰皮拉斯, 斯塔夫罗斯; 普雷斯蒂,乔治; 卡纳斯,西蒙娜; 巴蒂尼, 莫妮卡; 马蒂洛, 西尔瓦娜


    马蒂洛, 西尔瓦娜


    巴蒂尼, 莫妮卡; 卡纳斯,西蒙娜; 卢多维科, 卢卡安德里亚; 普雷斯蒂,乔治; 恩塔兰皮拉斯, 斯塔夫罗斯



    刷牙 - 主人在家庭环境中刷猫最多5分钟;

    在陌生的环境中隔离 - 猫被它们的主人转移到一个不熟悉的环境中(例如,不同公寓或办公室的房间)。距离最小化,并采用通常的运输程序,以避免对动物造成不适。旅程持续了不到30分钟,猫被允许与主人一起30分钟从运输中恢复过来,然后被隔离在陌生的环境中,在那里它们独自呆了最多5分钟;

    等待食物 - 主人在猫熟悉的通常环境中开始日常操作,在食物交付之前。在实验开始后最多5分钟给予食物。



    包含 meow 的文件位于数据集中.zip存档。它们是 PCM 流(.wav)。

    C = 排放背景(值:B = 刷牙;F = 等待食物;I:在陌生环境中与世隔绝);

    NNNNN = 猫的唯一 ID;

    BB = 品种 (值: MC = 缅因库恩;欧盟:欧洲短毛猫);

    SS = 性别(值:FI = 女性,完好无损;FN:女性,绝育;MI:男性,完好无损;MN:男性,绝育);

    OOOOO = 猫主人的唯一ID;

    R = 录制会话(值:1、2 或 3)

    XX = 发声计数器(值:01..99)






    Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Prato Previde, E., Battini, M., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Mattiello, S.: 在不同语境中发出的猫咪发声的自动分类。动物,第9(8)卷,第543.1-543.14页。MDPI (2019).

    Ludovico, L.A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G., Cannas, S., Battini, M., Mattiello, S.: CatMeows: A Public-Available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations.In: Li, X., Lokoč, J., Mezaris, V., Patras, I., Schoeffmann, K., Skopal, T., Vrochidis, S. (eds.) MultiMedia Modeling.第27届国际会议,MMM 2021,捷克共和国布拉格,2021年6月22-24日,会议记录,第二部分,LNCS,第12573卷,第230-243页。施普林格国际出版社,湛(2021)。
    ISBN: 978-3-030-67834-0 (印刷版), 978-3-030-67835-7 (在线)
    ISSN: 0302-9743 (印刷版), 1611-3349 (在线)

    Ludovico, Luca Andrea; Ntalampiras, Stavros; Presti, Giorgio; Cannas, Simona; Battini, Monica; Mattiello, Silvana

    Project leader(s)

    Mattiello, Silvana

    Project member(s)

    Battini, Monica; Cannas, Simona; Ludovico, Luca Andrea; Presti, Giorgio; Ntalampiras, Stavros


    This dataset, composed of 440 sounds, contains meows emitted by cats in different contexts. Specifically, 21 cats belonging to 2 breeds (Maine Coon and European Shorthair) have been repeatedly exposed to three different stimuli that were expected to induce the emission of meows:

    Brushing - Cats were brushed by their owners in their home environment for a maximum of 5 minutes;

    Isolation in an unfamiliar environment - Cats were transferred by their owners into an unfamiliar environment (e.g., a room in a different apartment or an office). Distance was minimized and the usual transportation routine was adopted so as to avoid discomfort to animals. The journey lasted less than 30 minutes and cats were allowed 30 minutes with their owners to recover from transportation, before being isolated in the unfamiliar environment, where they stayed alone for maximum 5 minutes;

    Waiting for food - The owner started the routine operations that preceded food delivery in the usual environment the cat was familiar with. Food was given at most 5 minutes after the beginning of the experiment.

    The dataset has been produced and employed in the context of an interdepartmental project of the University of Milan (for further information, please refer to this doi). The content of the dataset has been described in detail in a scientific work currently under review; the reference will be provided as soon as the paper is published.

    File naming conventions

    Files containing meows are in the dataset.zip archive. They are PCM streams (.wav).
    Naming conventions follow the pattern C_NNNNN_BB_SS_OOOOO_RXX, which has to be exploded as follows:

    C = emission context (values: B = brushing; F = waiting for food; I: isolation in an unfamiliar environment);

    NNNNN = cat’s unique ID;

    BB = breed (values: MC = Maine Coon; EU: European Shorthair);

    SS = sex (values: FI = female, intact; FN: female, neutered; MI: male, intact; MN: male, neutered);

    OOOOO = cat owner’s unique ID;

    R = recording session (values: 1, 2 or 3)

    XX = vocalization counter (values: 01..99)

    Extra content

    The extra.zip archive contains excluded recordings (sounds other than meows emitted by cats) and uncut sequences of close vocalizations.

    Terms of use

    The dataset is open access for scientific research and non-commercial purposes.

    The authors require to acknowledge their work and, in case of scientific publication, to cite the most suitable reference among the following entries:

    Ntalampiras, S., Ludovico, L.A., Presti, G., Prato Previde, E., Battini, M., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Mattiello, S.: Automatic Classification of Cat Vocalizations Emitted in Different Contexts. Animals, vol. 9(8), pp. 543.1–543.14. MDPI (2019).
    ISSN: 2076-2615

    Ludovico, L.A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G., Cannas, S., Battini, M., Mattiello, S.: CatMeows: A Publicly-Available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations. In: Li, X., Lokoč, J., Mezaris, V., Patras, I., Schoeffmann, K., Skopal, T., Vrochidis, S. (eds.) MultiMedia Modeling. 27th International Conference, MMM 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22–24, 2021, Proceedings, Part II, LNCS, vol. 12573, pp. 230–243. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
    ISBN: 978-3-030-67834-0 (print), 978-3-030-67835-7 (online)
    ISSN: 0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (online)
